I've read some other respondents', er. . . . responses to your request, and,
as is their right, they don't have a problem with Mr. (Ms.?) Swastika's
"name." I suppose I find it less offensive than simply banal. It's strange
how even something as horrific as the Nazi regime (yes, yes, he/she may
point out the swastika's not _exclusively_ a Nazi symbol--yawn, of course,
of course . . .), can be appropriated and water-down to where it becomes
just another label for resentment and wanna-be hyper-masculinity. Like
calling yourself "killer" because you like to get rowdy with the boys.
So I'll say, fine, "hakenkreuz," call yourself what you will. Posturing is
PS Unlike some, I don't think R.A.S. should be, or can be, some sort of
pure space devoid of politics or morality. A little m***crusading is good
for the soul--may get you an extra tenth with the Powers That Be.
> I see you didn't really consider changing that uncanny name.
> So far i do not know whether it is mere ignorance on your part
> or something else, so i will try to stay friendly. Please quit
> posting
> under this particular pseudonym as it is _highly_ offensive.
> Who else here thinks that the use of the name "Hakenkreuz"
> is inappropriate beyond endurance and will back me up ?
> --
> Greg Hellmann
> Hakenkreuz schrieb in Nachricht
> >When racing at night all I see are streetlights. Do these cars
> have any
> >headlights? If not, racing at night is pointless. You can turn
> up the gamma,
> >but then you may as well be running during the day.