daxe went ballistic when I mentioned the dreaded " . . .Powers That Be"
um, daxe, that was a bit of tongue-in-cheek humour.
I'm an atheist meeself. But I don't get a worm up my ass at reading some
believer's mention of her or his personal belief system or tradition (unless
it happens to be nazism, or something similar). Because I realize that
while religious beliefs have indeed been a factor in much ***shed and
atrocity, they have also been a factor in much good. It doesn't take a
genius--and it doesn't mean having to abandon one's own m***integrity--to
admit that. Although I myself am an atheist, I find the atheist-puritan
stance ("so I find any mention of Religion or even references to the
entities those religions theoretically serve to be deeply, personally
offensive.") to be just a bit, um, dogmatic.
Where are the headlights, indeed?
(a bit of an +sshole to be sure,
but a decent guy nonetheless.)
> > PS Unlike some, I don't think R.A.S. should be, or can be, some sort of
> > pure space devoid of politics or morality. A little m***crusading is
> > for the soul--may get you an extra tenth with the Powers That Be.
> Just for the record...
> More people have been killed in the name of various "Powers That Be"
> Hitler ever thought about killing, so I find any mention of Religion or
> references to the entities those religions theoretically serve to be
> personally offensive.
> Using logic presented elsewhere in this thread, I have to presume
> that even mentions this to be an +sshole. If this person had a
conscience, they
> would avoid mentioning these "Powers That Be" for the m***good of all
> The important thing to remember about freedom of speech is that its
> are not founded in what any individual or group of individuals finds
> blah blah blah,
> ~daxe
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