>>Thanks Andre I did use google I must have input it wrong probably one
>>of my late at nite escapades......speaking of google people were
>>afraid they would***up what deja had but as far as archives go I
>>think they did a pretty decent job. Googles search engine is the best
>>I have found too.
>Yup, Google is excellent, especially since they opened up the older
>history of newsgroups, it's fun to read all the pre-hype about GPL :)
Hey Andre have you tried Googles taskbar that you can download, it
becomes a taskbar on your browser site. It has some really nice
features, one of which I like the best is if I want to go to a
website, lets say one I just want to access a website, all I do is
type for instance "yahoo" in the search window and click "feeling
lucky" and the website comes up almost always. No need to type in any
www's or anything like that........also a real nice ranking feature.
its a very small download and in my opinion certainly worth having a
look at. No need for the standard address bar anymore. I dont have the
address handy but if you are interested I found it on Cnet or I will
look around for it if you are interested.