I'm sure this has been discussed before,but , I don't frequent this
group much so any info would be appreciated. Does anyone know if SH
intends to patch GP2 to a 3D accelerated version? Thx.
I'm sure this has been discussed before,but , I don't frequent this
group much so any info would be appreciated. Does anyone know if SH
intends to patch GP2 to a 3D accelerated version? Thx.
Gee, I guess the fact I have no responses to my question says it all.
Say no more...say no more.
I actually called MPS to ask about GP2 updates & a 3D version in
I was told that there are no plans either way. It may or may not happen. It
probably depends on how many people call & ask. At least I participated :-)
> --
> Nos
> Gee, I guess the fact I have no responses to my question says it all.
> Say no more...say no more.
> --
> Nos
-DG-(as usual)