I've PII350/128MB/Hercules Dynamite TNT and a SB LIVE!
I've played GPL before on this system but i had to change Harddisks
(From very old SCSI to a Quantum Fireball 10.2GB)
Now GPL will not start, i get the start up screen and after a while a
black screen, then without an error message i'm back at my w98 desktop
I tried several installations (Full, tipical, the 1.1 patch, with the
opengl beta (i get a stackdump), Hercules drivers,Nvidia drivers)....
The only thing that could be is that i when i installed it the first
time (1/2/ year ago) i had a good old SB16 instead of the Live!
Anyone got an idea what i'm forgetting to do or to change ?
Please HELP :-(((
(Instead of being at Zandvoort, i wanted to RACE the circuit!)
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