> I've been away from r.a.s for a while, so forgive me if this is a common
> discussion. I have and enjoy GP2, but I would like an F1 sim with 3D
> acceleration and weather. Does F1RS have these features? I don't see any
> discussions on F1RS, but. I've lurked for a while and noticed that GP2
> still seems to be the F1 sim of choice. If it's still the best, I'll keep
> it and enjoy it. I also found the Grandprix2.com history project. I got
> chills at the thought of running laps against Mario and Nikki. That will
> probably keep me busy for a long time. Is there any support of this type
> for any of the other F1 sims?
> Billy Moore
Yes, F1RS does have these features. But the racing and driving
experience in GP2 still beats it IMHO. Still, I guess both have their
good and bad points. The engine and wheel spin model of F1RS does seem
to be a bit artificial, as are the spins. But the driving feel under
'normal' conditions is really good, especially in faster corners. GP2
seems to be a bit unforgiving in the tyre model, as they tend to let go
quite suddenly mking catching the car before it spins a real difficulty,
and this transition is probably better modeled in F1RS, although it may
be just as difficult in the real life (otherwise F1 drivers would never
If you can get F1RS cheap, it shouldn't be missed. I still play both
from time to time, but GP2 does give me more of the being there feel.