so, with a brand new layout...
I've posted two videos on
These are The Pits previews of up-and-coming releases
for NASCAR 4 by Papyrus. We somehow think you'll
REALLY enjoy this video...let's just say that there are
very few people who have seen this before...enjoy!
There are two versions of this video, a low res version
that is in Windows Media Player format, and a high
res version using DivX format. BOTH will play with
Windows Media Player, but you'll need the DivX codec
to play it the high-res...if you don't already have the DivX
codec installed, it IS included in the .zip. Both videos will
be available from The Pits when we get back online.
Comments are welcome!
The Pits Crew
David Noonan - track conversion
IWCCCARS - car paintscheme
Jan Kohl - driver
Jan Kohl - video production
Papyrus - track and NASCAR 4