computer industry that can be described as none other than an "INSIDER". We
were discussing the "Demise of OverClocking" as you might think. Make NO
BONES ABOUT it, Intel is experimenting with different types of CPU locks as we
speak. People have seen them as well as examined them. Nothing is yet written
in stone. We are almost assuredly going to see some type of lock. This does
not necessarily mean that there will be no overcoming it. Us legitimate
OverClockers might just squeak by yet.
One thing I was told that really about killed my lame ass was that AMD and
Intel are sharing technology on this issue and will probably take close to the
same route in dealing with OverClocking and Remarking. This was stated to me
as a known fact and was in no way was it simply implied. This way one big
money-grubbing company does not leave the other with a market in which there is
no competition. That dream of "AMD would never do anything to***its'
customers off" BS that has been rumored just got deflated in my book.....
Remember guyz and galz, you can take this for what it is worth, just don't kill
the messenger, ok? I DO NOT repeat every rumor that comes my way. Just the
ones that seem to have some validity! :^)
Remember, the truth it out there..............and I'm gonna go look for it in
the bottom of a six-pack tonight........