Do you have the "Automatic sound-to-program matching" tool turned on?
If you set it up to monitor F1-2000 and choose 2 speakers, that would do
it. You might try setting F1-2000 to maximum sound quality -- but that
is just a guess.
> hi
> Each time I run F1 2000
> it will change my 4 speakers arrangement to 2 speakers.
> I am using SBlive and at control panel, multimedia, advanced options
> you will see that the speakers are changed to 2 speakers.
> While no other game does this.
> I wonder if any one else is experiencing this
> and if there is a work around ??
> --
> Thanks and regards
> Leong
Jason Monds - Pro Racing Club! (N3, GPL) - Car Sim Project
(Please remove 'no extra spork' when replying)