>Does this happen in other than 1st gear? I notice something similar if I
>am not careful with the throttle in 1st but haven't really noticed
>anything similar in other gears. The default 1st gear is way too low and
>1st should only be used at *very* slow corners so I don't find it a
I find it to be true for 2nd and 3rd as well, but not quite as bad.
Ultimately I feel like I have to slowwwwwwly add throttle coming off
every corner, and the AI cars are cornering much better than I am. A
classic example is at Spa. There's a double left hander (I forget the
turn #'s/names) where the first one seems to drop me to 3rd gear and
then I can accelerate up through 4th gear and take the second one flat
out since its more of a kink. Even if I've gotten by an AI car
earlier, it seems to be able to take that 3rd gear first left faster
than I am, and it takes all I've got to hold him off, mainly because I
just can't get in the throttle that fast without pushing right off the
road. After 2 hours of intense setups, I have made a rather loose
setup where quick nudges of the gas into the redline will break the
wheels loose and help me slide the car around the turns more, but then
I have a harder time getting the grip back in time to get a good run
off the corner. There is definitely much to appreciate in this sim,
but there's still something wrong in my book. These F1RS cars just
don't feel as agile as they look and feel in other sims and in TV
footage of real cars (though the AI cars seem to have no such
If you get a chance take F1:Ce out for a spin. And try several
different engine makes. Its the best I've seen at giving each car its
own personality!
That ain't saying much, Richard. GP2's tracks are horrendous at best
at least when comparing them to the real tracks.
Thanks for noticing :)
Randy Magruder
Contributing Reviewer
Digital Sportspage