>Subject: Re: INDYCAR BUGS
>Date: 27 Aug 1994 17:46:38 GMT
>: writes:
>: I agree with Ralf on this one. We don't need any driver in our contest
>: that cheats. All of this is an 'Honesty Policy' type thing. I can say I
>: ran a 233.500 an Michigan but if I only ran 129.?? why bother. There's no
>: challenge in seeing who can word process a results file the best.
>Oh, give me a break! How exactly would you know whether anybody had or
>hadn't tweaked a results.txt? Do you really believe it has never happened?
>Also, the fella in question was merely commented on behaviour of the
>simulator that he (and a zillion others) have discovered. To assume that
>he employs these tricks in a contest is as bad an assumption that nobody
>else does.
First of all, I was not insinuating that the original poster was employing
known flaws in ICR to progress through a racing series. If that is how it was
taken, I apologize. There are many tell-tale signs of using these methods
improperly, but listing them here would only make it more difficult to verify
outright dishonest persons.
Each of us being owners of our own copy of ICR, we can do with them what we
want. So if a person wants to race through the pits at 170mph during a
yellow flag, so be it. But that is for outside the series.
In most cases, our racing series are based on honesty. But in a couple of our
series, we have methods that go beyond the simple text editor methods of
altering results.txt files.
Bottom line, if you don't ever touch your results files, you've got nothing to
worry about. If you don't race through Yellow flags, you've got nothing to
worry about. If you don't play dishonestly, then don't worry about it. And
if something strange does happen, just report it to your series director.
Racing Simulation games are fun, and are meant to be enjoyed. No matter what
it is that makes you happy. And ther series do the same thing, but people are
looking for good honest competition. If something strange happens to your
race when you're in a series, just explain the situation, and the director
will understand.
Final note, it'll be great when pit speed limits and black flags are added to
ICR, then racing through the pits won't be an issue.
_ ____ ____ ____
| | / __| | __ \ / ___| Ralf Southard ICRS Co-Director
| | | | | |_| / \ \_ Editor-In-Chief of Online Racing Int'l
6 Armsby Building, University Park, PA 16802