Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!


Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by BCla » Sat, 05 Apr 2003 04:47:06

I'm well aware of what happened in the past. It makes no sense to keep
digging it up either. Some people here are worse than the inquisition. It's
only a game, get over it. There are alot of worse cheats out there than what
was ever done with the fast lap program and I wouldn't doubt there is
somebody sitting at their pc trying to hack the latest version right now.

Barry Clay


Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by PlowBo » Sat, 05 Apr 2003 06:36:58

    Prove to me US (everyone online racing NR2003) {KING and you others in that category too}, that you aren't exploiting the loopholes...  Tell me that with that knowledge you are NOT making those adjustments at all to compensate for speed, No, you tell us how your going on ignoring that these loophole adjustments would counteract the losses on otherwise ***setups?  so are you also saying that if they patch it, your setups as a whole wont be taken from great to almost dogsh*t because you guys NEVER used the loophole for speed and such?  YEAH RIGHT...  I've got different setups, I bet I could be a lot faster IF I knew what to exploit like you guys do.  You guys wont ever admit, that inside info above all else and a setup makes or breaks how "good you are" in general terms.  I bet you still beat me in FIXED 5 out of 7 times, as I know you have good driving skills too KING.  but ON THE whole I still say those "who know" or shared the "loophole" info is just like cheating, when only 2% of anyone know what the *ell the loophole is.

    I am not in this argument for Don's sake, to me it is just simple cheating.  But if you would read what he {Don} is saying, it isn't really fair is it?  especially when "the guys who know" and exploit loopholes stand up in front of the rest of us and say "LOOK IM FASTER & BETTER THAN YOU" or "I can go 45 laps at TEXAS at 188+ mph before tires go yellow" when really all you did was take advantage of something that almost nobody else has information about.  Kind of like people who cheat old people out of money on the phone, if you ask me.  Sure your argument probably is, hey they should known better or whatever, I say BS.

    This ties into the gawd dam driving aids thing...  I say Papy screwed the pooch on this issue.  driving aids should help you drive but should also not reward stupid driving techniques, if you get help from the computer controlling your car, then it should cost you something in lap times and speed.  This really ticks me off... Hell, with STABILTIY CONTROL CHECKED, I can go into turns with the same setup at ANY TRACK, and go a hell of a lot deeper and harder into and out of the corners {usually better laps times by 1-3 MPH} and to suffer no consequences?   Jesus Chrysler, But, if I drive by myself (aids off).  MY POINT IS THIS:  I didn't get on multiplayer, to hear people whine and do stupid other shit (ram you, wreck you, go backwards on the tracks, pull straight out of pits into traffic etc.)  & all of this, just so I could see if your computer can control your car better than ***I***  can control mine...


  I don't have any secret information, I know that they know what's wrong and are trying to fix it.  This is a race sim, not a "tell me all the loopholes so I can use them to my advantage" game.  

Goy Larse

Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by Goy Larse » Sat, 05 Apr 2003 06:46:39

> Wouldn't you like the game to be fair for everyone of just a select few?

Fair huh ?

Some of you guys are taking this thing a *little* too seriously perhaps,
I race to enjoy myself, always has and always will

I'll have as much fun racing over 15th spot as I'll have racing over
1st, I know this for a fact since on ovals I race mid pack or "worse"
and road courses I usually race up front

As long as there's other cars around to race with I'll enjoy myself

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"

"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--


Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by cheet » Sat, 05 Apr 2003 07:03:09

I don't know much about this topic, as my machine isn't really going to be
able to run NR2K3, and I have followed this thread for a bit, but haven't
seen this point raised.
In GPL it is fairly well know that their are holes to exploit that will
allow one, should they hit their marks consistently, to be much faster than
normal. I think a fairly recent article at one of the big web sites
mentioned this point in a comparision between GPL and some other sims (GTR
and Heat I think.) Additionally I personally recall a "hole" in an earlier
Papy nascar game, where if you ran the car through the corner at Tally, with
the left wheels barely on the apron, you would be able to maintain much
greater speed through the turn. Heck I remember in DTR before the first
patch, you could run giant wheels on the front of the car, and shopping cart
wheels on the back (being sarcastic) and be much faster than a "realistic"
Why do I mention this? Because it is not unlikely that such holes are a
reality. It has happened before and will happen again. And as before there
are always people who will try to exploit those holes, and there are always
cliques who will share such information to a "select" few (Try and get
information on editing almost any of the popular racing sims, or recall the
painting board at where some people had the 3D Models for months
before it was leaked to the rest of us).
So. If this is a reality, and chances are something like this could happen,
then those people who are aware of these loopholes really should make that
knowledge available to Papy at least. Let them patch the holes. This way we
can all move along.
Kevin Kin

Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by Kevin Kin » Sat, 05 Apr 2003 07:19:24


oh and read this one too please

Now tell me I'm withholding info.

      Prove to me US (everyone online racing NR2003) {KING and you others in that category too}, that you aren't exploiting the loopholes...  Tell me that with that knowledge you are NOT making those adjustments at all to compensate for speed, No, you tell us how your going on ignoring that these loophole adjustments would counteract the losses on otherwise ***setups?  so are you also saying that if they patch it, your setups as a whole wont be taken from great to almost dogsh*t because you guys NEVER used the loophole for speed and such?  YEAH RIGHT...  I've got different setups, I bet I could be a lot faster IF I knew what to exploit like you guys do.  You guys wont ever admit, that inside info above all else and a setup makes or breaks how "good you are" in general terms.  I bet you still beat me in FIXED 5 out of 7 times, as I know you have good driving skills too KING.  but ON THE whole I still say those "who know" or shared the "loophole" info is just like cheating, when only 2% of anyone know what the *ell the loophole is.

      I am not in this argument for Don's sake, to me it is just simple cheating.  But if you would read what he {Don} is saying, it isn't really fair is it?  especially when "the guys who know" and exploit loopholes stand up in front of the rest of us and say "LOOK IM FASTER & BETTER THAN YOU" or "I can go 45 laps at TEXAS at 188+ mph before tires go yellow" when really all you did was take advantage of something that almost nobody else has information about.  Kind of like people who cheat old people out of money on the phone, if you ask me.  Sure your argument probably is, hey they should known better or whatever, I say BS.

      This ties into the gawd dam driving aids thing...  I say Papy screwed the pooch on this issue.  driving aids should help you drive but should also not reward stupid driving techniques, if you get help from the computer controlling your car, then it should cost you something in lap times and speed.  This really ticks me off... Hell, with STABILTIY CONTROL CHECKED, I can go into turns with the same setup at ANY TRACK, and go a hell of a lot deeper and harder into and out of the corners {usually better laps times by 1-3 MPH} and to suffer no consequences?   Jesus Chrysler, But, if I drive by myself (aids off).  MY POINT IS THIS:  I didn't get on multiplayer, to hear people whine and do stupid other shit (ram you, wreck you, go backwards on the tracks, pull straight out of pits into traffic etc.)  & all of this, just so I could see if your computer can control your car better than ***I***  can control mine...


    I don't have any secret information, I know that they know what's wrong and are trying to fix it.  This is a race sim, not a "tell me all the loopholes so I can use them to my advantage" game.  

Nigel Nichol

Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by Nigel Nichol » Sat, 05 Apr 2003 10:56:04

And Hello Goy

I too have fun so long as I driving my ***off trying to hold off or stay
with an other racer.  I'm a midpack driver myself. I've won few Vroc battles
but not so much from being the fastest car on the track just I didn't come
off the track for the whole race.
When the racing is that close I find myself forgetting to breath, legs are
shaking for nerves and teeth are grinding at every late late brake attempt.

Do I have fun? Damn right I do.  And I rather lose a spot from clean racing
than to take a spot from punting the other guy off the track.

Nigel Nichols

> > Wouldn't you like the game to be fair for everyone of just a select few?

> Fair huh ?

> Some of you guys are taking this thing a *little* too seriously perhaps,
> I race to enjoy myself, always has and always will

> I'll have as much fun racing over 15th spot as I'll have racing over
> 1st, I know this for a fact since on ovals I race mid pack or "worse"
> and road courses I usually race up front

> As long as there's other cars around to race with I'll enjoy myself

> Beers and cheers
> (uncle) Goy
> "goyl at nettx dot no"


> "A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
> --Groucho Marx--


Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by PlowBo » Sat, 05 Apr 2003 08:27:08

King I had NO IDEA about what has gone from whispers in crowds everywhere on the net, to full fledged battles on newsgroups until the battles today.  I did the bandwagon jumping too...

I APOLOGISE...  Sincerely KING, I do not wish anyone to think I was attacking you...  but ***I blew it.  I was saying that does your setup NOT at even miniscule bit exploit flaws, that (nearly everyone) is eluding to, yet few know what it is?  if they are not, then you could shut Wilshe up too.  Please, I don't mean that you personally are a cheater either...  as I reflect on my bad judgment along with posting in haste, I can admit, that when I find a setup that works well I share with several of my buds too, and NOT EVERYONE who comes along...  that is your prerogative too to be honest.  I wont mention it anymore, as it was a lame argument compared to Driving aids I am more po'd about.

Someone is withholding info, and like Maxwell Smart, Ill bet you didn't think about the 30 software engineers outside, who are reverse engineering this "game" as we speak, to attempt to prove me right, did you... would you believe.. 3 hackers with Linux boxes?  Um how about if it is just a dope like me going off half-cocked.



  oh and read this one too please

  Now tell me I'm withholding info.

Kevin Kin

Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by Kevin Kin » Sat, 05 Apr 2003 08:37:07

That's ok, I just wanted to make sure what I knew was out in the open.  I
haven't withheld anything I know to anyone.  Why?  Because I am a fair
player, and I want this game to be played how it is meant to be played, not
exploit it to gain an advantage.  Although obviously other people see that
differently (Don).  Besides, personally would it feel more gratifying if you
knew you beat someone on the same level, rather than "Whoohoo that little
trick I found worked this time" The more people know about these flaws the
bigger it gets, and then Papy has to deal with them.  Isn't that the point?
Tell them the flaws, so they can fix them rather than exploit them and keep
them quiet?  Or is that just the honest voice in me talking.


Dave Henri

Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by Dave Henri » Sat, 05 Apr 2003 12:30:50

   With the exception of Don's thread about posting the exploits, there
hasn't been much discussion here about all the 'problems.'
  Perhaps a short list, with or without explanation would help to get
everyone up to speed...
dave henrie


Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by Eldre » Sat, 05 Apr 2003 12:38:30


>oh and read this one too please


Ok, I couldn't get the freaking links to WORK... :-(
Yes, I did the cut/paste.

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MonsterRank: +334.169
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Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.

Kevin Kin

Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by Kevin Kin » Sat, 05 Apr 2003 13:23:35

I provided links to Lightspeed discussions and what I have found.

> > That's ok, I just wanted to make sure what I knew was out in the open.
> (snippage)

> > Kevin

>    With the exception of Don's thread about posting the exploits, there
> hasn't been much discussion here about all the 'problems.'
>   Perhaps a short list, with or without explanation would help to get
> everyone up to speed...
> dave henrie


Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by gord » Sat, 05 Apr 2003 13:42:00

Didn't you just mention Don that you are a 10 year veteran beta tester?
Then you also MUST know of some holes to exploit.
as you suggest, maybe people should also doubt your honest intentions when racing against you online?
Please do "the honorable thing" and tell us regular racers some of the tricks you know, and maybe the other beta testers will join
in and share their secrets with us too so the playing field will become level for the time being, until the patches come out.

Nice Speech...

But I didnt say what you said.. I just said there are people that race with us that have advantages because they
are beta testers and they know of bugs and flaws in the game.   this knowledge is gained from testing and
from being part of a network of knowledge..


  Don what part don't you get?

  For some reason you think there are beta testers that withheld these loopholes for advantages, and you're saying there has to be
more and you want dibs on them.  Seriously think about what you're saying.  I have yet to see a Beta tester just blow away the field
because of some little trick they know.  And when you say us, please do not include the honest racers out there in your little
group.  As of now you are the only one jumping up and down crying for all the loopholes to be told so you can use them against
people.  Seriously how old are you?

    Jay.. your right

    its us and them.. them racing against us....

    We should always have an equal chance to win...

    NDA I understand... But how about some leaks.. There are
    non betas that have information...


    Right I have been a beta tester for 10 years just in sim racing..  I think
    i know what kind of informatioin goes on between a large group of
    testers.. ie, visit


Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by gord » Sat, 05 Apr 2003 13:47:52

Yeah me too.
And nobody else wants to teach me how to cheat like them  ;-)

> Lol, no wonder I am a slowass and getting my ***whupped, everyone else is
> cheating .
> :)

> Don Burnette

> > Beta Testers!
> snip

Dave Henri

Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by Dave Henri » Sat, 05 Apr 2003 13:48:24

  Yer gonna make me work for this eh?   :)


Kevin Kin

Nascar 2003: Beta Testers Running in Leagues. Lets Level the Playing Field!

by Kevin Kin » Sun, 06 Apr 2003 00:47:10

I agree Bob, to a certain extent anyway.

When I make my setups I got for one thing first, pure speed. When I feel I
can accomplish that I got for stability, now if that means shaving a tenth
off my BLAP fine. I know when I made my Darl set and Atl, I screwed up and
tested alone for awhile, and when I got in a race I was so loose you'd think
I was on the corner with a skirt.

As far as your creative thingy, I totally understand. Here is what I am
finding out with regards to setups.

LR height. Raise it up, brings the RF down. Raise the LF height, that way
you can run softer springs. I found that out with some help at Atlanta, and
shaved 1-2 tenths off. Run more rear weight. At Atlanta I have 1740, Texas I
run 1755. As far as setups go that's all I can think of that I HATE doing
right now, but it's that or be left in the dust. In the leagues I run you
have to be up to speed or you won't do well. I started N2003 with the ideas
that Manuel put forth, stiff front sway, no rear sway, stiff front springs,
and a lot of front weight. Unfortunately what I find right now, that is FAR
from the truth. Mix that with the aid advantage, and well it almost becomes
no fun. I think only my Vegas had over 1800 Front weight, the rest are 1760
or back. Kind of makes me sad, but to me it's a no win situation. My stupid
competitive fire in me.

> > I provided links to Lightspeed discussions and what I have found.

>   Yer gonna make me work for this eh?   :)

> dave(sigh)henrie is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.