It`s a top rated game for teh x-box ( not pc :-( )
Basicly i backed it up on the HardDrive ( no i don`t own pirated games or
copy games i back them up, i have a nice shelf full of my original games and
an empty bank balance to prove it ) as i don`t like using the disc
themselfs, plus i like doing a bit of texture tweaking etc ( pc/x-box ).
I did however notice a large colection of .ini files, everything from A-i to
car.ini to well bascily everything.. i couldn`t help but mess around with my
Ford Focus ini, in the Car Dynamics folder i edited the FordRS.ini to the
Orig / Modified
MaxBoost=0.900 / 1.500
MaxRevs=7200.000 / 9000.000
audioRevLimit=7000.000 / 9000.000
Mass=1278 / 1000
revLimit=6500.000 / 8500.000
It all work, even changing the way the rev`s are displayed on the TV, bigger
rev counter, very nice.... i could do about 110+mph in 3rd gear !!
There were other settings for gear ratios, wheel size, brake balance,
springs ..etc etc.. you name it and it was there !!!
I know this is all pointless unless you have a modied x-box, but ti`s an
interesting find !!!
Oh before you all try this, my settings are crap, the car was two light and
reved to high, it was like a 2 stage turbo, peaky and undrivable... lol....
much like some of the tunning i have had done to my own cars !!