A real shame because GT3 and PG2 with superior graphics and CPU's that a PC
could offer would probably look and run awesome!
Then again... Some say these games were written specifically to the graphics
card and CPU of the console, but who knows?
> > I'm just an Xbox-deficient gamer, and I would like to know if there
> > are any plans for Project Gotham 2 to be ported to a PC title in the
> > near future. Thanks in advance for any help :)
> Like Sony's Grand Turismo series for the PS2, Gotham Racing 1 & 2 are sort
> of flag ship racing titles for the Xbox.
> Since they are Xbox and PS2 exclusive titles, they wouldn't be able to
> entice people to buy their console systems, if they were to port them over
> to the PC.
Since XboX is so closely related to PC's, are there any XboX emulators
out there ?
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--
This is the second time I've heard this thing about MS losing money on every
XBox sold. What's your source? Seems incredible to me to believe such a
Easier said than done, from what I hear. There are one or two out. One
right now only supports Halo. But then I'm not willing to grab a 4 gig game
just to play a game on my PC, especially since the game is out for the PC
But then I have an XBox, so I wouldn't even be interested in an emulator
even if one came out that was worth something.
>> This is the second time I've heard this thing about MS losing money on
> every
>> XBox sold. What's your source? Seems incredible to me to believe such a
>> thing.