Guillemot and Rallymasters

M Gilmor

Guillemot and Rallymasters

by M Gilmor » Tue, 25 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I downloaded the Rallymasters demo, and I couldn't get my Guillemot
wheel to work with it.

Has anybody got this wheel working with either the demo or retail
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Tony Rickar

Guillemot and Rallymasters

by Tony Rickar » Tue, 25 Apr 2000 04:00:00


I had to hold the brake down slightly to allow navigation through the menu

Create a new controller.

Edit the controller

Set the controls (I still held the brake down slightly & hit the

Remove the menu navigation options as wheel/pedal inputs.

That is it!

Good luck


Kieran Larki

Guillemot and Rallymasters

by Kieran Larki » Tue, 25 Apr 2000 04:00:00

is that the ferrari one

> Yes

> I had to hold the brake down slightly to allow navigation through the menu
> system.

> Create a new controller.

> Edit the controller

> Set the controls (I still held the brake down slightly & hit the
> accelerator)

> Remove the menu navigation options as wheel/pedal inputs.

> That is it!

> Good luck

> Tony

> > I downloaded the Rallymasters demo, and I couldn't get my Guillemot
> > wheel to work with it.

> > Has anybody got this wheel working with either the demo or retail
> > version?
> > --------
> > remove aluminium to email

Tony Rickar

Guillemot and Rallymasters

by Tony Rickar » Tue, 25 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Yes - Guillemot Ferrari FF wheel

> is that the ferrari one

> > Yes

> > I had to hold the brake down slightly to allow navigation through the
> > system.

> > Create a new controller.

> > Edit the controller

> > Set the controls (I still held the brake down slightly & hit the
> > accelerator)

> > Remove the menu navigation options as wheel/pedal inputs.

> > That is it!

> > Good luck

> > Tony

> > > I downloaded the Rallymasters demo, and I couldn't get my Guillemot
> > > wheel to work with it.

> > > Has anybody got this wheel working with either the demo or retail
> > > version?
> > > --------
> > > remove aluminium to email

Sjon Stigte

Guillemot and Rallymasters

by Sjon Stigte » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I never got my Guillemot FFF to work properly in the demo.... works great in
the full version though...

-- Sjon

M Gilmor

Guillemot and Rallymasters

by M Gilmor » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00


Many thanks!

Gonna get that sim. asap :)
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