I bought a radeon 9600 pro and upgraded from a voodoo5500, which worked
flawlessly with RallyMasters game running under windows xp and 98. However
now the game crashes and locks up my system with the blue screen and no
error messages. It almost seems to happen randomly, as it can happen during
a race or upon replay after a race. Sometimes I can run 10 or more races
without a problem, or it will happen at the first race. I am running a
athlon 1400MHZ, Radeon 9600 pro with the latest catalyst 4.3 drivers,
windows xp home edition, 512 MB, Creative blaster 512 soundcard. I have
tried using "ENDITALL 2" to kill background processes to no avail. Updated
Any ideas. Also F12001 and GTR2002 crash fairly randomly too, but they did
so even with the voodoo 5 card.
It is really bothersome when a game crashes and you cannot see a specific
situation that will always cause it to hang.
Also, noticed that the new Colin Mcrae 4 demo will crash to the blue screen
no error message, sometimes at the midpoint of a race, and sometimes it will
let you finish the race and crash the next time you race the same exact