Rallymasters unlock cars, WRC, LEGENDS


Rallymasters unlock cars, WRC, LEGENDS

by Tim2 » Tue, 07 Aug 2001 05:17:29

Who knews, wat kind of championships you have to win too unlock all
the cars, and also too play in WRC, LEGENDS mode?? i am still in F2

Missing the following cars: Citroen, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Lancia
stratos, 037, delta S4!

Who helps?


Tony Rickar

Rallymasters unlock cars, WRC, LEGENDS

by Tony Rickar » Tue, 07 Aug 2001 06:17:09

Tony helps...

use EXCITE.COM instead

Rallymasters unlock cars, WRC, LEGENDS

by use EXCITE.COM instead » Tue, 07 Aug 2001 08:04:17

Beat the ROC at F2 mode and you get WRC. Beat the WRC and
you get Legends. This is independent from the "difficulty level".



Rallymasters unlock cars, WRC, LEGENDS

by Tim2 » Tue, 07 Aug 2001 19:18:11

> > Who knews, wat kind of championships you have to win too unlock all
> > the cars, and also too play in WRC, LEGENDS mode?? i am still in F2
> > mode!!


> > Who helps?

> Tony helps...

I don't have the directory mentioned in the cheat, in my rallymasters dir
Tony Rickar

Rallymasters unlock cars, WRC, LEGENDS

by Tony Rickar » Wed, 08 Aug 2001 02:17:12

Mmm, its been a while - try creating a progress folder & put the contents of
the zip in there.



Rallymasters unlock cars, WRC, LEGENDS

by pjgt.. » Thu, 09 Aug 2001 04:08:06

> Who knews, wat kind of championships you have to win too unlock all
> the cars, and also too play in WRC, LEGENDS mode?? i am still in F2
> mode!!

> Missing the following cars: Citroen, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Lancia
> stratos, 037, delta S4!

> Who helps?

Visit my website (it has no ads or banners) and checkout the Cheat
section, it has lots of stuff for RallyMasters...(and most other Driving
games/sims too!)


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