He's just whining because his system doesn't have the juevos to run run
the sim at an acceptable level of detail and perofrmance. So, instead
of blaming his hardware (he could probably upgrade his CPU to at least
an 850, and the TNT card is a true dinosaur), he blames the software.
<sarcasm>That's real productive...</sarcasm>
> Gunslingler,
> In one word; physics.
> I also went back to Nascar3 for a week or so, after the fustration
> that Nascar 4 caused me. But after some reflection, it seemed to be exactly
> the same fustration we all felt when we 1st tried GPL after years of
> mastering the fine art of ICR2.
> Nascar 4 is a real hog when it comes to computer power. All I can say
> is to drop down the drawn cars to 24 or so in front and 4 to 6 in mirrors
> and see what happens. I couldn't get it to run maxed out on a AMD K7-800
> and I still can't maxed it out on a AMD 1.2 gig machine.
> Joel Willstein
> I hate to say it, but NASCAR 3.
> I have fiddled, tweaked, downloaded, re-installed, bought new
> hardware, and prayed to a golden monkey and I HAVE HAD IT with NASCAR
> 4.
> I have a P3 650, 196 Meg Ram, TNT2 Ultra , and can not run the damn
> thing with 43 cars and get above 20 FPS when in the***pit view.
> Come on, Im computer savvy, I've been using them since the TRS-80 CoCo
> days damn it.
> My computer is not that old that it should be a dinosaur that fast for
> God's sake.
> Anyway, after 3 weeks of of a major headache of trying to get N4 to
> run smoothly I said the hell with it.
> I reinstalled Nascar3 last night and wondered what the hell the big
> fuss is over N4 anyway.
> N3 runs smooth as glass, everything maxed, 1024x768, full field.
> The racing is good (no irrating hard left pull) , the Force feedback
> works great so damn it... The HELL I say with NASCAR 4.
Redneck Techno-Biker & "programming deity"
DeMONS/1 for Nascar Racing 3 & Nascar Legends
DeMONS/2 for Nascar Racing 4 (in development)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (460+ cars and counting)
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