Every time when I am visiting the vroc site and look under the [ 1.2 ]
button what races are available, all is well until I dicide to leave VROC.
Then the screen will not shut down and can't go to other sites.
The result every time is a bleu screen from W98se with the message your
system is unstable .......
The only solution is to reset my system.
Why is this and is there a solution ?????
My specs
GPL 1.2
DX 6.1
PIII 450
BX board
V2 12 mb
56k v90 modem ( on 28k for stable connection )
I tried with cable modem but same result.
I use alisson java prog to get to the race room
Firewall ( is diabled when I go to VROC )
Norton AV 5.0 active
does anybody have a solution ???
thanx in advance
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