Hi there
No, I didn't add any hardware. Just decided it was time for a fresh install
because of problems with NHL 2000. :-(
Here's my story:
I've been experimenting, and have yet to find a good solution for this (DTR
problem). One thing I DID find was that DTR works in Win98 SE before I
install sound card drivers, but fails promptly afterwards (using either
latest Vortex 1 drivers from Aureal or the latest Turtle Beach drivers). I
tried each of the sound drivers after a fresh install each time, but to no
avail. Finally, tried installing my original Win 98 OEM, and then DTR
worked with the Aureal sound drivers installed (didn't try the Turtle Beach
The only problem was that the reason I started this whole vicious circle was
I was having trouble with NHL 2000. And this problem continued. You can
see my dilemmna: NHL 2000 works fine on Win98 SE with all the latest drivers
and the DirectX version that comes with the Win 98 SE CD (6.2), but DTR
doesn't work then (with sound at least). BUT on original Win 98, DTR works
with DirectX 6.1, but NHL 2000 ramdomly crashes after 10-30 minutes of use.
(Appears to be a DirectX error from an Illiegal chunk error dx6.dll or
something error). ARGHH!!! Installing DirectX 7 makes DTR crash, and has
no positive effect on NHL2K (same errors).
Now that I've got my sob story out of the way, my next move is to install
the original Win98 again, and instead of installing Direct 6.1 first and
then going to 7, I'm going to go straight to 7. May not make a difference,
maybe it will. We'll see.
I'll keep you all posted, because I'm sure I'm not the only one having this
problem (as evidenced previously). Surely there must be more racing/hockey
fans out there! ;-)
I'm still open to suggestions/other driver suggestions! I will try checking
the IRQ thing, tho.
FYI, my system config is listed below from my orignal post.
"A very frustrated" Jason
>I had the same problem (PII450,win98, TNT, Turtle Beach) . Did you add
some new
>h/w recently? I had an ethernet card installed (for cable modem). I got
>same screen running DTR and Powerslide(wasn't getting it before), but got
>it by disabling my old PnP modem,which I don't need anymore. Win98 likes
>pick and choose IRQ sharing for the various devices, and the soundcard
seems to
>lose (in my case the SB emulator). I haven't checked into updating the
>card drivers yet, they may have improved robustness for IRQ sharing.
>> Anyone else encountering a Blue Screen of Death on startup of DTR? I had
>> working at one point, but I had some DirectX trouble with other games, so
>> formatted my hard drive and installed Win98 SE and it hasn't worked
>> It WAS working for a period on Win98 original, but I was having trouble
>> NHL2K crashing, so I decided to start from scratch.
>> My system consists of Win98 SE, Viper V550 TNT, PII-333, 64 MB RAM,
>> Beach Montego Bay A3DXTREAM sound card. I'm kinda wondering if the sound
>> card drivers are the problem. I go to start it, and I get the video card
>> selector screen. Then, it flashes back and forth a few times (like it is
>> changing resolution--I have seen this with other games) until it finally
>> settles on a nice little Blue Screen of Death with OE Page Fault
>> error....some memory address. I used to get a little Aureal 3D sound
>> screen at that point, but now it doesn't get that far.
>> Thoughts, anyone?
>> Jason