RW>>> ARE YOU LISTENING PAPYRUS!!!! I dont like paying $60.00 to BETA
RW>>> test programs!
RW>The pits thing is minor considering how excellent the game actually
RW>is. I don't understand all of the problems people have the the SB16
RW>driver. I run it with no problems, and I don't even have an actual
RW>SB16. It's only an SB16 compatible.
I agree with the "excellence" overall despite the nagging problems. All
too many of the "sound" problems can be traced to a "less than 100%"
compatible sound card. Actually, since the sound is only mono, running
the SB8 config makes no difference to the sound.
Papyrus is due out ANY DAY with a "bug fix" which should be V1.2.
RW>Supposedly, there was supposed to be an announcer in the game itself.
RW>I'm glad it wasn't included tho for 2 reasons. 1) It'd slow the game
RW>down considerably and 2) it would make concentrating on the game
RW>much more difficult.
Consider it this way...the "game" is a SIM !!! How many real drivers
listen to the announcers while they are racing?
I have my doubts that the "announcer" part was EVER designed to be
anything but an intro....
* CMPQwk 1.4 #9327 * ... Decadence is its own reward.