: I don't feel that this is either an accurate or a productive comment.
: Most police officers are in the business because they genuinely want to
: help the community.
In the beginning, but unfortunately the role of too many police ecomes
one of focusing on motor vehicle situations rather than patroling
neighborhoods. That is not simply the cop on the beat's fault, but rather
the politicos and higher ups that view the motorists as cash cows
for revenue generation.
: If you knew may officers I think that you would
: find the power freaks or incomptentes are in a very small minority.
But even one is too many, and I've met several.
: Police are doing a job most of us are unwilling to do. The arrest real
: crminals that shoot at them. They pick drunks off the street. They
: collect random dead bodies.
All part of the job.
: Your contacts with the police seem to be colored from being stopped
: when you are breaking the law. I am supposing when you are remembering
: a time when you were stopped for somthing like speeding and didn't like
: the cop's attitude. Imagine, for a moment, the same incident from the
: cops viewpoint. They may have just come from an accident where they
: pulled a dead child from a crashed car.
What difference should that be. The bottom line, at least as
it realtes to speed enforcement, is that most speed limits (highway
especially) are unrealisticly low and serve as revenue generators.
See the January Car & Driver article by Patrick Bedard on the reality
of speed limits versus the insurance industry (often backed up
by law enforcement) safety crap.
: Sociable ***s in our society rarely come into contact with law
: enforcement or the criminal justice system. This is a system designed
: to hande the exceptions of society. It is an unfortunate artifact that
: we have bizzare laws like speed limits that are artificially low that
: cause those of us who are not criminals in the true sense to become
: enmired in the criminal justice system.
Ecactly the point...when artifical speed limits bearing no reality
to what should be exist, then we all take on an attitude of: The
hell with the cops, they are just going along with the easy way of
being productive. Take one drunk off the road is far more beneficial
to all of us than the generation of 100 speeding tickets (IMHO).
: There are, in our society, as in all others that are or have been,
: people who will not or cannot act as responsible ***s. We need the
: police to deal with these miscreants for us, especially if we are
: unwilling to participate in the solutions to these problems ourselves.
Again, right on and further justification of why society views police
today in such a bad light. I have never met anyone that has been
ticketed for speeding who honestly believed they were operating their
vehicle in a dangerous fashion. I'm taking herre of the typical
ticket for doing 70 in a 55...or even doing 80 in a 55. Today's vehicles
far surpass the roadworthyness of older vehicles and yet most states
still impose totally unrealistic highway speed limits. This may sound
elitist, but if one is uncapable of driving any properly maintained auto
at highway speeds of up to 70 or 80 mph (daylight hours) then that
individual really doesn't belong on the interstates. If you don't feel
comfortable at those highway speeds, then either take alternative
roadways or at least stay to the extreme right lane (how many times
have you encountered the turtle driver who refuses to stay to the right)?
: If you were to read the California criminal code you would find that
: most of the things that are illegal are things that you don't want
: people doing. Hitting people, maiming people, killing people, stealing
: and other anti-social acts are illegal, as well they should be.
Agreed. Ditto here on the east coast.
: Given that you would, I hope, wish to live in a safe polite society,
: and given that there are people who are unwilling or unable to follow
: the very simple dictums of behavior called out in the penal code, you
: will always need police.
Agree again.
: I have found that in our society we are in fact very lucky to have the
: quality of people we do in police work and the armed forces. It is sad
: that the ocassional bad-apple gets all the press. Try to reflect on the
: positive aspects of police in our communities instead of getting pissed
: off because some cop stopped you when you were, after all, breaking the
: law.
But we all should get pissed off for the continued focus on speed enforcement
laws rather than on enforcement of those laws that will make society better
for all. Additionally, speed enforcement is often very discriminitory
in who gets stopped (i.e. BMWs and sports cars versus typical sedans and
mini-vans doing the exact same speeds.)
Cheers, ---------------------------------------------------------------