But a law condoning insurance company ripoffs and tax collection under
the guise of breaking a 'law' is?? Wake up.
But a law condoning insurance company ripoffs and tax collection under
the guise of breaking a 'law' is?? Wake up.
While I hate the speed limit laws, I have to agree with Lloyd here.
Stupid and useless yes, evil, no.
|\ _,,,---,,_
/,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ Tigress
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) Cat drawn by Felix Lee
> This thread does not belong in rec.autos.antique. Please direct
> your followups elsewhere.
FAX: (606) 323-1978
Sr. Systems Prog. University of Kentucky Computing Center, Lexington, Ky.
Not neccessarily. The danger is in not keeping with the flow of traffic
by either going too fast or too slow. The speed limits for the
interstate and interstate-like highways around here (Denver, CO) are set
at 55; outside of urban areas it is 65. Thanks to the recent and large
influx of Californians (actually, I don't mind this particular driving
habit, 8-)), going the speed limit is actually MORE dangerous than going
with the traffic flow, about 10 to 20 mph faster.
I agree. Let's get the speed limits to reflect the actual speeds being
Mark Brauer Crunched 1973 SAAB Sonett III
Yeah! Let's start filling our already crowded prisons with people who
don't have car insurance! Those are REAL criminals!
Mark Brauer Crunched 1973 SAAB Sonett III
My insurance was around $3000 short of the actual repair cost for my car.
Because _his_ only income is federal aid, I have no monetary recourse.
My face was also nicely rearranged by my steering wheel, resulting in
two dozen stitches to put my lip back together and several weeks of
excruciating pain.
Had he stolen $3000 in cash from me, that's grand theft.
Had he physically beaten me with his fist, that's ***.
Both punishable by jail time.
Because he used a car, it's a suspended license.
You show me where the justice is in that.
Then you can tell me driving without insurance isn't criminal.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --
Frank Filipanits Jr. "Show me kindness, show me beauty, show me truth..."
Audio DSP Engineer '68 Mustang BS EE Caltech
http://www.racesimcentral.net/~franko '68 Charger MS MuE U. Miami
Frank Filipanits Jr. "Show me kindness, show me beauty, show me truth..."
Audio DSP Engineer '68 Mustang BS EE Caltech
http://www.racesimcentral.net/~franko '68 Charger MS MuE U. Miami
> >Sorry, it's not. Evil laws are ones like segregation and slavery. To
> >suggest a speed limit law is evil is ludicrous!
> While I hate the speed limit laws, I have to agree with Lloyd here.
> Stupid and useless yes, evil, no.
No need to fill anything up with criminals. A $.50 bullet will do nicely!
There ain't no justice. With insurance costs being what they are, there
can be no justice. When I drove uninsured, it was because I couldn't
find a company willing to write me -- I was dumped into the ***ly
expensive high-risk pool.
Of course it is criminal. The state defines it as such. But when I
was driving without insurance, I didn't hit anyone. Were I to hit
someone now, most likely their repair bill would exceed my insurance
limit ($5000). His bodily injury would not be in any way reduced
because I have insurance.
"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in pursuit
of justice is no virtue."
Yes, there is no protection from irresponsible people. Therefore the 3
strikes law should apply to these people as well!! Idiots who don't behave
needs to be put away for good, so decent citizens can enjoy the society :-)
You are a ***ing idiot. What has breaking the speed limit got to do with
endangering other people. Have you ever seen a section of road have the
speed limit was changed? Say from 35 to 40. So yesterday when I was
going 36 in the NOW posted 40, I was endangering somebody? Pull your head
out buddy, there's a BIG difference between breaking the law and
endangering people.
Then why have you been posting to it so many times. Go away.
Minor nitpick here:
Unless you're talking about allowing supersonic flights over land,
increased aircraft speeds -- particularly in a busy airport's traffic
pattern -- tend to INCREASE aircraft safety, not decrease it. One
of the things air traffic controllers do when an airport starts to get a
lot of air traffic is to ask the pilots to fly faster, thus freeing up
slots in the pattern for inbound traffic more quickly.
Currently, there is a 250 knot "speed limit" in the traffic area
around any airport. Allowing air traffic controllers to ask jets to fly
at 300 knots in such areas would increase their safety margin.
-------------+---- I'm not flying fast, just orbiting low -------------------
MSTie #38808 | Quick-N-Dirty Aviation
| "Trading altitude for airspeed since 1992"
> The lobby most responsible for lowering the limits was the "save fuel"
> contingency of the late 70's. Remember the phony gas crisis that was
> used to raise prices and lower the speed limit?
(Of course, when OPEC *lifted* the embargo and U.S. gasoline prices
*stayed* high, that's another story.)
-------------+---- I'm not flying fast, just orbiting low -------------------
MSTie #38808 | Quick-N-Dirty Aviation
| "Trading altitude for airspeed since 1992"
: But a law condoning insurance company ripoffs and tax collection under
: the guise of breaking a 'law' is?? Wake up.
You wake up. Insurance companies can raise your rate if they don't like
what you eat for breakfast! And if you object to paying them and the
local gov't extra money, there's a simple solution -- don't break the
law! (Or use a little intelligence and don't get caught.)