: >If you are black,Or not driving a late model mom-car, or businessmans
: >sedan, Or are out after dark, Or have long hair, Or are riding a
: >motorcycle, Or in some way don't fit the perfect image of a 50's TV
: >sitcoms idea of a white american, and you are out after dark in
: >immediate proximity of a police cruiser, your physical well being is
: >in jeopardy. Be very very very careful. Much more careful than the law
: >requires of itself.
: You got it! I'm not black but have worked second shift and drive at
: 3:00am regularly and get pulled over way more than during the day. Cops
: will find any reason to pull you over. Boy do I feel sorry for black
: people in big cities, what a bunch of shit!
Ditto and that's more reason to have reasonable and rational speed
limits. Today, the police have an automatic excuse to pull over
anyone they want on any Interstate in the northeast with a 55 speed
limit. EVERYONE drives over the 55 limit, so the police can
profile any qroup they want and they simply pull anyone in that
group over on the speeding pretetxt.
Cheers, ---------------------------------------------------------------
VTR Assistant Magazine Editor, Past VTR President (1983-1990)
ARRL Local Government Liason, Mount Olive Township