Uh.... Can I change my tune? Or is it too late?
After two days of trying everything I dared: scandisk, defrag, VXD optimization, new drivers for every card, INI hacking, DLL swaps and many wheel calibrations, I still had massive controller latency in my GPL. I went to try one more race on VROC before giving up fully and going back to 1.0. No luck, the car was like a snake and out the window 1.1 went.
I uninstalled GPL and deleted it's folders. (after having saved my drivers profiles and replays) I installed 1.0 fresh from the disk and had my beloved GPL back. Just the way I always remembered it. Nice tight car control and stunning realism. I went to VROC to see if I could get a race. No. The answer was no. A guy there asked if I had tried the windows controller instead of the generic setting. Why no, I hadn't as my W98 calibration drifts hourly. But I had to give it a try. So I went to Papy.com and got the patch 1.1 for the second time. Installed it and...
It works perfectly! GPL is better than ever. All the new VROC features are WAY over my head but I don't care, because when I do find a race with actual people in it GPL 1.1 kicks gnarly butt!
Now, I aint no computer whiz so excuse me if I get silly here, but I'm thinking that maybe 1.0 was corrupted or 1.1 came down the pipe a little fuzzy due to traffic or it installed a bit goofy because my screen saver kicked in or whatever. The point is, it was the particular install.
I would like to formally apologize to Bruce and Papy and everyone for jumping the gun. :-) I'd also like to suggest to anyone having any problem with 1.1, especially if your the only one having it, that you try a clean install. Worked wonders for me.
Mark Jeangerard
New Mexico USA