for 1/2 second then back to the desktop. Is this a Win 2K / DOS thing?
I've unsuccessfully scoured several FAQ's for a resolution. There's
gotta be simple fix i've missed.
Full install
With/without 1.2 patch
Full install
With/without 1.2 patch
Ian P
<email invalid due to spam>
I had EXACTLY the same prob as you, and gave up and went back to Win98.
P2-400, Voodoo3500TV
First thing to do is set it to the software rasteriser (in app.ini i think),
if that doesn't work then you're screwed like I was.
Let me know if you do get it to work!!
What do you suggest I do if it doesn't even work with the software
rasteriser? I had same problem as Earl.
Ian P
<email invalid due to spam>
> What do you suggest I do if it doesn't even work with the software
> rasteriser? I had same problem as Earl.
> Scott
Well, apparently GPL should work straight away after the install with no
patches or anything in software mode. Mine doesn't. I've tried every patch
under the sun and still no luck. I even installed it on my other PC that
has no 3D card, just 2D, it worked fine with Win98 but exactly the same
problem under Win2K.
> > What do you suggest I do if it doesn't even work with the software
> > rasteriser? I had same problem as Earl.
> > Scott
Ian P
<email invalid due to spam>
> Well, apparently GPL should work straight away after the install with no
> patches or anything in software mode. Mine doesn't. I've tried every
> under the sun and still no luck. I even installed it on my other PC that
> has no 3D card, just 2D, it worked fine with Win98 but exactly the same
> problem under Win2K.
> Scott
> > > > Have you got a voodoo graphics card ? If so either use the D3d patch
> or
> > > > George Smileys glide wrapper.
> > > > If not make sure the app.ini is set to the correct graphics
> rasteriser.
> > > What do you suggest I do if it doesn't even work with the software
> > > rasteriser? I had same problem as Earl.
> > > Scott