his pings were miserable and he got way too much disco's.
So we did a complete reinstall of Windows 98 (his pc was a total mess
:) , reinstalled GPL, I changed his modem for another one and we tried
It seemed to be solved, his ping times were normal now in VROC.
We went online and tried a race. Everything seemed ok, good quality,
no warpings.
But after a minute or 5 there was a message at the top of the screen,
something like '10035 Error on Network Device'.
The quality bar shot to the top and we got a disco.
This happens every time on his pc..
I mess around with his core.ini after that, there's something like
'use network' in the core.ini and I set it off, but it didn't help.
If this is any help: he used to have a network card in his pc but not
anymore. Maybe GPL is still looking for that network card somehow?
Any ideas/help would be very much appreciated..
I want to kick his ***online :)