% I personally think NFSPU IS as good as GPL in it's own way, and you've
% hit the nail on the head. I feel that that NFSPU (and Viper Racing as
% well) does as good of a job modeling modern-era sports cars as GPL does
% of modeling 1967-era Grand Prix machines.
Not to distract at all from NFSPU -- as it is a blast and I am have
great fun with it.... but the physics are no where on the level of the
physics in GPL... They are however, much better than Viper's physics.
I think EA finally got it right, for a change. However, I am really
unhappy with the FF in NFSPU (maybe GPL spoiled me in this department).
Also I am not quite fond of the sound.... it seems too muffled and I
can't really sense the 3D feel that was more present in NFSIII.
Even with those major distractions, NFSPU is a great buy for those times
that I just want to have some good simming fun.....
% It could be new love, but right now, I also like the feel of NFSPU's
% physics model slightly better than Viper Racing (a greater sense of
% inertial adds to the realism in NFSPU) -- and I have always maintained
% that Viper racing is as accurate of a model of a Viper GTS as GPL is of
% a 1967 Lotus, Ferrari, etc.
% Call me a heretic, but I would be disappointed if a Viper or Porsche
% simulator felt like GPL -- a modern street-legal sports car should feel
% dramatically different than a lightweight, open-wheel, purpose-built
% race car.
% So, given that, I personally feel that from this perspective, NFSPU is
% as good as GPL.
% -- JB
% > Just curios, but everyone is saying OF COURSE it isn't as realistic as
% GPL?
% > But no one has said why? Is this as good and no one will admit it?
% >
% > > On Thu, 23 Mar 2000 19:32:02 -0500, "Alex Kihurani"
% > >
% > > >To anyone who has played this game:
% > > > Well, Im considering of buying NFS5 tomorrow, and I'd just like to
% > know
% > > >these 5 questions:
% > > >
% > > >1. Are there any tracks on dirt?
% > >
% > > There are sections of tracks that are loose surface, like dirt,
% > > snow, rain, etc..
% > >
% > > >2. Do they have the racing Porsches, like the old Rothman's ones in
% > > >rallying?
% > >
% > > There are 356,356a,356b,550,911,914,928,944,930,935,944,
% > > 959,964,965,993,996,boxster,gt1
% > >
% > > Also, there are several models of many of the above, like coupes,
% > > cabrios, targas, speedsters, supers, carrera, etc.,etc.,etc... ;)
% > >
% > > >3. Is there stuff like lift off oversteer, throttle oversteer, and
% > > >understeer sometimes, locking up wheels, effective pendulum turns,
% etc.?
% > >
% > > Yep. It feels a LOT better than the other NFS titles. You'll like
% it,
% > > unless you are looking for GPL-style realism.
% > >
% > > >4. Do the cars take damage?
% > >
% > > Yes, and the damage modeling is pretty cool,
% > > particularly the visual damage.
% > >
% > > >5. Does the game seem like it's editable? Like the previous NFS's?
% > > >
% > >
% > > My guess would be yes.
% > >
% > > >Thanks,
% > > >Alex
% > > >
% > >
% > > Alex, do you like Porsches? If so, buy it.
% > >
% > > ;)
% > >
% > > --
% > > * rrev at mindspring dot com *
% >
% >
% Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
% Before you buy.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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