a few demos or games that really stress video and cpu. I'm a pretty avid
PC gamer but at this time I'm hard pressed to point to any one game
that stands out above the rest to push ones system.
Sure any game at 16x12x32bit with 4xAA will be pretty slow but it use to
be most games at 10x7x16bit with noAA would be in the ***s to 20s
fps-wise really stressing even the best systems.
It's almost as though hardware has passed games in the race for power.
Perhaps developers misjudged the rate of hardware improvements?
Anyway, Comanche 4 would be my best first choice of a horsepower hungry
game..I guess.
Anyone have an opinion to what's a good game to make my card/system
wanna puke its guts out?
P.S. Heck, now that I think about it, I'm second guessing myself on why
should I upgrade since my system runs what I play just fine (for the
most part). Guess I'm simply digging the fact that the new ATI can do AA
so well with hardly any performance hit.