Oh and I was thinking emulating a Dos box on a "windows based PC" should not
be any harder to emulate a "car" using your on hand 73 pacer, right?
***that was messed up...
also note the typo... shoud have read like this...
"now you know, if it weren't for MS & PC's being *AS* prevalent as a toaster
I would *NOT* have my current job,
> Heheee, well until Nascar Racing came along, PC was the acronym for
> Piece of Crap, after NR, PC meant Play Computer... now you know, if
> it weren't for MS & PC's being prevalent as a toaster I would have my
> job... Networking Tech (AKA PC Support Technicial) I mean really... <VBG>
> I'd still be repairing Radio's and TV's LOL.
>>> Ha Ha, that is funny, a Dos box emulator, hehehe hehehe it is nt
>>> like trying to emulate a Mac on a pc, or maybe an amiga. Whooo
>>> thanks for the link, boy that was fun.
>> When we first moved up to fast computers...my son had a AMD Tbird
>> 1200+, all he did was dload old Nintendo 8 bit games. MAN! that used
>> to chap my hide...! More computing power than the Apollo Moon
>> landing and he plays 8bit games. sheesh!
>> dave henrie