I overclocked my voodoo3 -2000 to about 160 (from 143) but I do have a
cooler (3 fingers kick ass cooling fan from voodooextreme.com). A
cooling fan is only about $15 and it greatly helps. I have noticed a
difference (can turn on more cars during racing). I recommend
overclocking like 2-3 MHz at a time and running the game. Usually, if
you do it a little at a time and the game crashes, you'll know how high
you can go without destroying your cpu. Definitely get an additional
fan. OVerclocking is very risky (have you every touched a non-
overclocked cpu after running your computer? It'll give you 3rd degree
burns) and not recommended by the manufacturer. I guess that I would
go over 150-155 without a cooling fan.
How can you tell what the frame rate is? Is there a key or code to hit?
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Before you buy.