It just doesn't get tv coverage over here. Indy on the other hand is great and,
apart from the oval races, seems pretty similar to F1.
I understand that many people in North America appreciate F1. There is an F1 GP
in Canada every year, the year after next there will be a US GP, Jaques
Villeneuve was the year before last's World Champion and Alex Zanardi is coming
to F1 next year. All this doesn't speak of a continent completely ignorant of F1
- so I have to retract my previous statement, but I will not accept that F1 is
> On Thu, 17 Dec 1998 03:11:06 +0000, Paul Jones
> >Yes, Nascar may be little understood in the UK, but it's obvious that F1 is
> >little understood in North America.
> Good effort Paul but wrong. While I agree that there are a great many
> arrogant asses out there (your side and mine), there is a strong,
> loyal, and knowlegdable F1 fan presence here in Canada. I have been
> following F1 since 1971...I follow all forms of motorsport (some more
> closely than others)...I have 3 years of SCCA experience, and I devour
> motorsports news on a daily basis (when I can find it). I believe I
> understand F1 better than you think...can you say the same for IndyCar
> and NASCAR?
> Mike