I have a Guillemot 16MB Banshee card. Until recently, it has done just
fine. But, probably since "upgrading" to DirectX7, I have trouble
running most directX titles. Still, it works fine with Glide titles
such as GPL and Nascar3. So, if you get it, I strongly recommend not
going past DX6.1, at least for now. Yes, I've tried the latest 3dfx and
Guillemot (apparently identical) drivers. Can't say anything about your
mobo/CPU combo as I have a c300a/450 and Abit BH6.
The Banshee is typically a little faster than a single old V2 due to it
being clocked higher. But having only a single texel chip, the old V2
would be faster on multi-texture games (none of your listed titles
qualifies). And two V2's SLI'd together would be faster. The benefit
of the Banshee over a V2 is that it goes to higher resolution, has more
memory, and takes but a single space.
Having said all that, the Banshee is pretty much old hat. A Voodoo3
would be significantly faster and can be had in V3 2000 form for under
$100. So don't pay much for a used Banshee! Also, if it wasn't for the
Glide support of the titles I like, including N3 and GPL, I'd consider
switching to a TNT2 or GeForce. But for now, I'm pretty much locked
into Glide-supporting Voodoos.
Make sure to visit the Creative Labs Website to download their latest
drivers -- this will be important if/when you upgrade to DX7.
-- JB
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
-- JB
> I have a Guillemot 16MB Banshee card. Until recently, it has done
> fine. But, probably since "upgrading" to DirectX7, I have trouble
> running most directX titles. Still, it works fine with Glide titles
> such as GPL and Nascar3. So, if you get it, I strongly recommend not
> going past DX6.1, at least for now. Yes, I've tried the latest 3dfx
> Guillemot (apparently identical) drivers. Can't say anything about
> mobo/CPU combo as I have a c300a/450 and Abit BH6.
> The Banshee is typically a little faster than a single old V2 due to
> being clocked higher. But having only a single texel chip, the old
> would be faster on multi-texture games (none of your listed titles
> qualifies). And two V2's SLI'd together would be faster. The
> of the Banshee over a V2 is that it goes to higher resolution, has
> memory, and takes but a single space.
> Having said all that, the Banshee is pretty much old hat. A Voodoo3
> would be significantly faster and can be had in V3 2000 form for
> $100. So don't pay much for a used Banshee! Also, if it wasn't for
> Glide support of the titles I like, including N3 and GPL, I'd
> switching to a TNT2 or GeForce. But for now, I'm pretty much locked
> into Glide-supporting Voodoos.
>-- JB