> So why did it take a year after the release of GPL for the ff patch to
> emerge?
whatever reason. I also remember them being concerned about the CPU drain and
latency issues. However, it seems like once they decided to add it, they were
able to drop it in rather quickly and I seriously believe that the primary
reason for that was due to their detailed physics model.
Of course. But the opposite isn't true - without good physics modeling, it
would be next to impossible to have meaningful force feedback.
I'm not sure why you would assume that. I am one of the more vocal modern F1
fans on the newsgroup and have even posted positive reviews of F12000 in the
past. You're right that I don't own F1RC, yet ;-) But that's more due to my
waiting until I upgrade my computer (P2 400, Voodoo3 3000 and a serious lack of
disk space) than any GPL snobbery.
Dave Ewing
David A. Ewing