Internet, you know? Anyway, in that 47 laps I made no less than 400
mistakes. The reason behind every last mistake I made was the inability to
tell how much brake pressure I had, how far I was from the apex, and how
much steering angle I was using. I can't tell you how much fun that was. I
was going to list every game I've played that allows that sort of silly
information to be transmitted to the driver when I realized it would take
much less time to simply list the games which don't offer such trivial
feedback as sense of speed, acceleration, and position:
I can hardly wait for the next papy game. Hopefully it will be something
I've always wanted, maybe CanAm or the 1990 F1 season or WSC or ALM. That
would be really cool. It would suck if one of the premier series was
represented by one of those awful realistic and accurate games. You know,
the kind that relay all the pertinent information to the driver... because,
I really don't make that many mistakes....
What would I do with all that extra time on the track?
"Racing! - Science for the action minded."