For goodness sake, take a pill or something and chill out. The last few days are the first
time I've ever seen you post to this group and all you've done so far is ***all over people
and be incredibly rude. I've tried to ignore you but I'm weak.
A significant amount of the information exchanged in this group comes about as the result of
casual discussion. Emphasis on "casual". We don't all research a subject to death before we
post. Consider that, as you surely will, another shortcoming of we North Americans which you
so despise and apparently consider as inferior. All Tim said was he remembered a race from
years ago in a certain country where many people died. So he didn't quote line, chapter and
verse, he didn't have the names of all the bereaved relatives. What's the big deal? This
group is as much about finding out about things as it is knowing about things. If you have
all the facts, more power to you, I'm eager to listen and learn and "could" consider you a
valuable source of information. However, if the only way you can impart your knowledge to
others is with derision and contempt, not to mention foul language, we're better off without
you. I'd rather read it in a book. You're obviously intelligent, well informed and an
enthusiast, but without a major attitude adjustment you're just more noise. I think the last
line of your post pretty much spells it out. What on earth can you believe you're
contributing to this group with a statement like that? What would have been so difficult
about providing the information you have and correcting Tim and those of us who didn't know
all the details (myself included) without the abuse and the "pull facts out of your ass"
statement. He didn't state any facts, he simply recalled something he had heard/read about a
long time ago.
Ok, ball's in your court, rip me apart. I have no doubt you will. I've got buttons sticking
out all over me, you just have to press them. Given what I've seen so far, I have to assume
that's what gets you off, not racing sims or history.
> Tim,
> let me assume this is directed at myself- perhaps you should learn how to
> quote and follow up posts.
> More importantly, i think you should learn that facts are quite important when
> making some kind of reasoned argument.
> All too often people sprout about something they might have read somewhere-
> once (upon a time) without actually talking about anything that really
> occured. Since for some reason the existance of this race being "covered" up
> (que X-files theme) then it was really, the whole point of your post.
> i think all of us here have a reasonable expectation that any such comment is
> made with the real knowledge that what you say has some basis in fact.
> The suggestion by another reader that it may have been one of the spanish
> races in past is interesting- i will check my flatmates book before.
> The acceptance of "popular myths or urban legends" as truths simply becase we
> read them somewhere and they remain unchallanged, is a dangerous form of
> changing history - witness the new Hollywood film project which will bring up
> a generation of people thinking that Americans cracked the Enigma code in the
> US (rather than the British in Buckinghamshire).
> I find the whole process of accepting heresy as fact rather disturbing- say it
> enough times and maybe it will "become" true.
> In anycase, i'll take your flippant replies as defensive against your own
> knowledge shortcomings.
> Perhaps it would be time to refresh your memory before postly rashly in future
> about things it is apparent you know nothing about.
> Oh, and btw- go *** yourself, idiot.
> Z.
> Please remove NOSPAM from my email address when replying.
Don't let the bastards grind you down.
Doug Schneider
Bedford, Nova Scotia