lol, your either being really gullible, or just plain desperate, but Don just maybe making you feel pretty embarrassed right about
Ask him what I actually did to the Fastlap program. If he remembers, nothing.
What I did was start it with a dos batch file that captured the system clock, and reset it to what his program would expect on exit,
to stay within the time limit set for a single qualifying attempt. All that did was allow me to run as many qualifying attempts as
I wanted without having to exit and restart the game and Fastlap. The lap times, and the setups were legit. Ask Don if he copied
anything else different from my computer.
Was that unfair? Yep. Everyone else had to exit the game, the Fastlap program, and wait to restart, another few minutes later. Was
it cheating? That's anyone's call since I did no memory or file alterations. Want to know where my inspiration came from? At a
friends house and watching him run the game on two different computers. Run one qual attempt while the other PC was reloading the
game lol.
Sue me for being impatient :) What I had told Don was if he was going to run Fastlap for N2, to write the system date/time on start
to an encrypted file the way he was encrypting everything else on exit. This and only this 'hack', could be avoided. If there was
anything else out there, anything more serious like a diskette lying around somewhere :), then nothing would help. His response was
TEN pretty much assured no real interest in an offline qualifying competition, but he'd think about it.
And since you think you have such a great handle on setups that the average guy can drive and not be embarrassed, sharing yours now?
Oh, and as if you would care to ackowledge, with all the early cautions you were still running 16.1s;
Except for the times you put it on the apron, with the occasional 17.+ sec lap, you were still faster than me;
At the start of the race;
When the papy gremlins jumped over the bushes and let you think you knew what you were doing.
Tim White
> Once a cheater always a cheater. Take it anyway you want.
> By the way still using Windows 98? Too bad tire hack doesn't work
> with N2003.
> You are such an all knowing all seeing wiz. Its funny I try to bring out
> something that might help people having a problem and it ruffles your
> feathers.
> I could play the same game and say that the setups you do to help people
> are
> junk but I'm sure there are people that have some use for them.
> I'll help anyone that asks if I can. You are so uniformed or playing
> purposefully
> naive on the cheat issue. Perhaps for personal reasons.
> As far as your swearing how mature, really shows your mentality.
> There was no constuctive message in any of your posts if there had of
> been I would
> have listened.
> Have a good one.
> Pete
> > Pots, don't make or break a sim, for christsakes, let it go. 99% of the
> online racers will never see the difference.
> > But as your reputation proceeds you, you seem to be intent on making
> another mountain out of a mole hill. I never said you said you
> > were the fastest; we all know you, and I, are not. Even though you
> describe your practice times as "I wasn't really pushing it ...
> > bla bla bla"
> > Every damn time someone like you cries 'cheater', and 'bugs', and any
> other number of lame excuses for your performance or lack
> > thereof, is just plain stupid. I for one, am tired of it Pete. The vast
> majority of the racers on RASCAR do not care about that
> > crap; unless I am misreading this ng, they just want to race, and have
> fun. Since you never seem to have anything good to say about
> > someone else's work, your opinions continue to come across as jaded.
> > I suspect the only reason we hear about your theories here, is no other
> league would have it? Perhaps not.
> > But you are in fact failing to recognize that the lap times you did simply
> did not indicate anything other than hotlapping, and
> > fuel. Period. In my silly attempt to try to help you figure things out,
> it was obviously a mistake to try to explain a possible,
> > valid reason.
> > I am sorry we disagree on how great a sim, or not, N2003 is, but you
> pontificating how every little quirk in the sim is either a
> > bug, or a cheat, is utter useless to this group. No one cares, it is
> still the best sim out there and, up to now, I am overall
> > extremely pleased with what we have to race with.
> > Now, as for you pacifying yourself by labeling me a cheater ...
> > For the record, I told (only) Don about hacking his attempt at the Fastlap
> program in a phone conversation in 1997, after he was
> > banned from the NROS for privately downloading everyones' setups with that
> program, to explain to him that he hadn't actually
> > achieved what he thought he had with his software protection, of which he
> thanked me by the way. He called me, and wanted new
> > teammates, and I thanked him for the idea of what Fastlap could've
> accomplished. I believe the ideals of it are still one of the
> > great innovations of online racing.
> > I will assume that since you either ignored that, or Don simply forgot to
> mention all the facts, your opinions there are as biased
> > as everything else you seem to have to offer.
> > You are free to say whatever you like on a ng without a moderator, but
> when you mislead people like you do with your bug hunts,
> > don't get your panties in such a wad when someone finds fault in your
> facts.
> > That Don chooses to tell anyone who will listen, what his intentions, or
> mine, were is up to him. You thinking that information
> > will somehow tarnish what I've tried to do online is a waste of time. I
> don't recall you helping anyone with how to actually drive
> > faster, longer, manipulate what holes the game may legally allow, or
> offering personal setups free to the public.
> > On the contrary, your the worst kind of online racer; one whose only way
> of getting better is by making everyone else around them
> > look worse. If you never race another RASCAR event again, we'd be better
> of for it. The examples these guys set for one another do
> > more good then any harm you can really do. I honestly hope you do
> continue to race, since your excuses become self evident over
> > time.
> > Regardless, don't ever call me a cheater again, you sick miserable ***,
> unless you find Wilshes diskettes sitting on my desk.
> > --
> > Tim White
> > www.intracmotorsports.com