HELP! GPL & Wheel Calibrate Problem


HELP! GPL & Wheel Calibrate Problem

by ^Frett » Wed, 21 Apr 1999 04:00:00

Hello All R.A.S. Readers;
I need help!! on Gpl & my Thrustmaster Nascar Sprint. Below
when you read you will see my problem.. Any & all help, ideas
suggestions are welcome.

the help in my "inbox"... TIA Thom j. aka ^Fretts.

[** I want to preface that I have to use paddles on the race wheel
for gas & brake because I can not use my feet-legs with floor pedals**]

When I go into GPL with my TM Nascar Sprint {I have 3 now!} wheel
to calibrate {& it must be in generic} the rightside will not hold
.1000. It
will flicker from .1000 to the low .900s. Now I bought a new Compusa
"Formula" Race Wheel {that is almost exactly like the Sprint}but on this

wheel all the 'flickering' is on the leftside! This is great {for me}
for One
reason it is my brake side. The CompUSA wheel is one fantastic wheel
but Thrusmaster's Sprint is easier on my wrists, hands, fingers & tumbs!

Final Notes:  Do any think I need to go to a acm game card? I use SB
PCI64 sound's joyport for my games/sims. Also I just found in control
panel {under Game Controllers in the advanced tab} the box for "Poll
with interrupts enabled". It is Not checked. It also does the same thing

in F1RS with my 'TM' Sprint wheel & F1RS uses the drivers in Game
Controllers in Control Panel. I am lost & confused why this happens?
So Helpful Sim Friends:
Is there any ideas-suggestions besides rippin' the $70 Sprint apart to
switch wires Gpl Gurus~? Remember I must use paddles for my gas
& brake on the wheel because I can't use my feet/legs! Please help!!
P.S. The 'CompUSA Formula Race Wheel' is still one great wheel &
I would recommend it to anyone. Especially folks who are in a similar
situation as myself. I would have never learned about this wheel if not
for John Bodin's post-review. Thanx again John ;0)

< 1K Download
Michael E. Carve

HELP! GPL & Wheel Calibrate Problem

by Michael E. Carve » Thu, 22 Apr 1999 04:00:00

First, it might be a dirty pot on the right paddle, but since it does it
to all of your Sprints, it sounds like a gameport problem.  You gameport
maybe fine, but I've noticed with my ACM card I need to adjust the speed
to prevent this from happening when I calibrate in GPL.  So you may have
a problem with the speed of your computer and your gamecard's controller
getting in synch.

One thing to try, before you click the calibration button in GPL,
slightly hold the right paddle in.  GPL reads the current state of the
pots when it begins calibrating as the center or "reference" point.

I can't remember offhand as to which axis it is, but in generic mode GPL
sees the lower buttons on the wheel as a joystick axis.  You may want to
try using the direct input in GPL to see if this changes the actions of
the righthand paddle.  Before doing this, I would make sure you have the
latest drivers for the Sprint wheel for Windows.

The "poll with interrupts" box for you game controllers I believe only
affects the direct input method, not the generic in GPL.  

% When I go into GPL with my TM Nascar Sprint {I have 3 now!} wheel
% to calibrate {& it must be in generic} the rightside will not hold
% .1000. It
% will flicker from .1000 to the low .900s. Now I bought a new Compusa
% "Formula" Race Wheel {that is almost exactly like the Sprint}but on this

% wheel all the 'flickering' is on the leftside! This is great {for me}
% for One
% reason it is my brake side. The CompUSA wheel is one fantastic wheel
% but Thrusmaster's Sprint is easier on my wrists, hands, fingers & tumbs!

% Final Notes:  Do any think I need to go to a acm game card? I use SB
% PCI64 sound's joyport for my games/sims. Also I just found in control
% panel {under Game Controllers in the advanced tab} the box for "Poll
% with interrupts enabled". It is Not checked. It also does the same thing

% in F1RS with my 'TM' Sprint wheel & F1RS uses the drivers in Game
% Controllers in Control Panel. I am lost & confused why this happens?
% So Helpful Sim Friends:
% Is there any ideas-suggestions besides rippin' the $70 Sprint apart to
% switch wires Gpl Gurus~? Remember I must use paddles for my gas
% & brake on the wheel because I can't use my feet/legs! Please help!!

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Eric Cot

HELP! GPL & Wheel Calibrate Problem

by Eric Cot » Thu, 22 Apr 1999 04:00:00

Hi Fretts, one question , it seems to me your problem comes from
the gameport of your souncard, is it ISA or PCI type ? I know
from a fact and proved from the GPL survey i've done (and you've
participated, thanks) that PCI souncard (ex: SB LIVE! )are less prone
to this kind of problem. If you want to go for a gamecard, buy the PDPI
instead of ACM or CH PRODUCT GC3, The PDPI is a digital converter
that helps reducing the CPU workload, that translate in a bit better
FPS, and better ONLINE racing. Only thing to be concerned, if you've
installed THRUSTMASTER PRO PANEL, it won't work at all. From what i've
seen, it's actually a real pain to clean the registry (at least WIN95)
to  get it going. I'm not talking from personal experience, but from
acquaintance and what people sent me when they sent in the survey.

Good luck


> Hello All R.A.S. Readers;
> I need help!! on Gpl & my Thrustmaster Nascar Sprint. Below
> when you read you will see my problem.. Any & all help, ideas
> suggestions are welcome.

> the help in my "inbox"... TIA Thom j. aka ^Fretts.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> [** I want to preface that I have to use paddles on the race wheel
> itself
> for gas & brake because I can not use my feet-legs with floor pedals**]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> ______________________________________________________
> When I go into GPL with my TM Nascar Sprint {I have 3 now!} wheel
> to calibrate {& it must be in generic} the rightside will not hold
> .1000. It
> will flicker from .1000 to the low .900s. Now I bought a new Compusa
> "Formula" Race Wheel {that is almost exactly like the Sprint}but on this

> wheel all the 'flickering' is on the leftside! This is great {for me}
> for One
> reason it is my brake side. The CompUSA wheel is one fantastic wheel
> but Thrusmaster's Sprint is easier on my wrists, hands, fingers & tumbs!

> Final Notes:  Do any think I need to go to a acm game card? I use SB
> PCI64 sound's joyport for my games/sims. Also I just found in control
> panel {under Game Controllers in the advanced tab} the box for "Poll
> with interrupts enabled". It is Not checked. It also does the same thing

> in F1RS with my 'TM' Sprint wheel & F1RS uses the drivers in Game
> Controllers in Control Panel. I am lost & confused why this happens?
> So Helpful Sim Friends:
> Is there any ideas-suggestions besides rippin' the $70 Sprint apart to
> switch wires Gpl Gurus~? Remember I must use paddles for my gas
> & brake on the wheel because I can't use my feet/legs! Please help!!
> ____________________________________________________
> P.S. The 'CompUSA Formula Race Wheel' is still one great wheel &
> I would recommend it to anyone. Especially folks who are in a similar
> situation as myself. I would have never learned about this wheel if not
> for John Bodin's post-review. Thanx again John ;0)

>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                             Name: no_spam.n2rif1.vcf
>    no_spam.n2rif1.vcf       Type: VCard (text/x-vcard)
>                         Encoding: 7bit
>                      Description: Card for ^Fretts

< 1K Download

HELP! GPL & Wheel Calibrate Problem

by ^Frett » Thu, 22 Apr 1999 04:00:00

Michael thank you for the great informative email and the post  here
on r.a.s. I'm still diligently working on a solution.. Plus trying all your
suggestions! An update will be forth coming to share if I resolve this
dilema!! Cheers.. Thom j. aka ^Fretts..

> First, it might be a dirty pot on the right paddle, but since it does it
> to all of your Sprints, it sounds like a gameport problem.  You gameport
> maybe fine, but I've noticed with my ACM card I need to adjust the speed
> to prevent this from happening when I calibrate in GPL.  So you may have
> a problem with the speed of your computer and your gamecard's controller
> getting in synch.

> One thing to try, before you click the calibration button in GPL,
> slightly hold the right paddle in.  GPL reads the current state of the
> pots when it begins calibrating as the center or "reference" point.

> I can't remember offhand as to which axis it is, but in generic mode GPL
> sees the lower buttons on the wheel as a joystick axis.  You may want to
> try using the direct input in GPL to see if this changes the actions of
> the righthand paddle.  Before doing this, I would make sure you have the
> latest drivers for the Sprint wheel for Windows.

> The "poll with interrupts" box for you game controllers I believe only
> affects the direct input method, not the generic in GPL.

> % When I go into GPL with my TM Nascar Sprint {I have 3 now!} wheel
> % to calibrate {& it must be in generic} the rightside will not hold
> % .1000. It
> % will flicker from .1000 to the low .900s. Now I bought a new Compusa
> % "Formula" Race Wheel {that is almost exactly like the Sprint}but on this

> % wheel all the 'flickering' is on the leftside! This is great {for me}
> % for One
> % reason it is my brake side. The CompUSA wheel is one fantastic wheel
> % but Thrusmaster's Sprint is easier on my wrists, hands, fingers & tumbs!

> % Final Notes:  Do any think I need to go to a acm game card? I use SB
> % PCI64 sound's joyport for my games/sims. Also I just found in control
> % panel {under Game Controllers in the advanced tab} the box for "Poll
> % with interrupts enabled". It is Not checked. It also does the same thing

> % in F1RS with my 'TM' Sprint wheel & F1RS uses the drivers in Game
> % Controllers in Control Panel. I am lost & confused why this happens?
> % So Helpful Sim Friends:
> % Is there any ideas-suggestions besides rippin' the $70 Sprint apart to
> % switch wires Gpl Gurus~? Remember I must use paddles for my gas
> % & brake on the wheel because I can't use my feet/legs! Please help!!

> --
> **************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
>      Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

< 1K Download

HELP! GPL & Wheel Calibrate Problem

by ^Frett » Fri, 23 Apr 1999 04:00:00

Eric thank you for your inforamtive reply too. I am trying all options
& experimenting. I will post as soon as I find the solution. As in my
re: via email; Where can I find the PDPI game card? TIA..
Cheers Thom j. aka ^Fretts..
P.S. I have received many great replies!  I thank one & all for them!
Well back to work at my Sprint sim-lab  <G>

> Hi Fretts, one question , it seems to me your problem comes from
> the gameport of your souncard, is it ISA or PCI type ? I know
> from a fact and proved from the GPL survey i've done (and you've
> participated, thanks) that PCI souncard (ex: SB LIVE! )are less prone
> to this kind of problem. If you want to go for a gamecard, buy the PDPI
> instead of ACM or CH PRODUCT GC3, The PDPI is a digital converter
> that helps reducing the CPU workload, that translate in a bit better
> FPS, and better ONLINE racing. Only thing to be concerned, if you've
> installed THRUSTMASTER PRO PANEL, it won't work at all. From what i've
> seen, it's actually a real pain to clean the registry (at least WIN95)
> to  get it going. I'm not talking from personal experience, but from
> acquaintance and what people sent me when they sent in the survey.

> Good luck

> Eric


> > Hello All R.A.S. Readers;
> > I need help!! on Gpl & my Thrustmaster Nascar Sprint. Below
> > when you read you will see my problem.. Any & all help, ideas
> > suggestions are welcome.

> > the help in my "inbox"... TIA Thom j. aka ^Fretts.
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > [** I want to preface that I have to use paddles on the race wheel
> > itself
> > for gas & brake because I can not use my feet-legs with floor pedals**]
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > ______________________________________________________
> > When I go into GPL with my TM Nascar Sprint {I have 3 now!} wheel
> > to calibrate {& it must be in generic} the rightside will not hold
> > .1000. It
> > will flicker from .1000 to the low .900s. Now I bought a new Compusa
> > "Formula" Race Wheel {that is almost exactly like the Sprint}but on this

> > wheel all the 'flickering' is on the leftside! This is great {for me}
> > for One
> > reason it is my brake side. The CompUSA wheel is one fantastic wheel
> > but Thrusmaster's Sprint is easier on my wrists, hands, fingers & tumbs!

> > Final Notes:  Do any think I need to go to a acm game card? I use SB
> > PCI64 sound's joyport for my games/sims. Also I just found in control
> > panel {under Game Controllers in the advanced tab} the box for "Poll
> > with interrupts enabled". It is Not checked. It also does the same thing

> > in F1RS with my 'TM' Sprint wheel & F1RS uses the drivers in Game
> > Controllers in Control Panel. I am lost & confused why this happens?
> > So Helpful Sim Friends:
> > Is there any ideas-suggestions besides rippin' the $70 Sprint apart to
> > switch wires Gpl Gurus~? Remember I must use paddles for my gas
> > & brake on the wheel because I can't use my feet/legs! Please help!!
> > ____________________________________________________
> > P.S. The 'CompUSA Formula Race Wheel' is still one great wheel &
> > I would recommend it to anyone. Especially folks who are in a similar
> > situation as myself. I would have never learned about this wheel if not
> > for John Bodin's post-review. Thanx again John ;0)

> >   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >                             Name: no_spam.n2rif1.vcf
> >    no_spam.n2rif1.vcf       Type: VCard (text/x-vcard)
> >                         Encoding: 7bit
> >                      Description: Card for ^Fretts

< 1K Download
Andy Jone

HELP! GPL & Wheel Calibrate Problem

by Andy Jone » Fri, 23 Apr 1999 04:00:00

I've just got a Thrustmater Formula Sprint running with my PDPI. Didn't
put the TM install CD anywhere near the PC :O) - just identified the
wheel as a [L4] Nascar Pro/Split and fiddled with the FineTuning in the
registry. All seems well in GPL, I can see all the buttons and all 4
axes. Doesn't seem quite so happy in MGPRS2 'tho (seems to be muddling
axes and buttons !)

Mike Pelkey at PDPI suggested that it should be possible to get the
Sprint going with the PDPI "as long as you're ready to wrestle with it a
bit" - I decided to try for a short cut and in GPL, it's fine.


> Hi Fretts, one question , it seems to me your problem comes from
> the gameport of your souncard, is it ISA or PCI type ? I know
> from a fact and proved from the GPL survey i've done (and you've
> participated, thanks) that PCI souncard (ex: SB LIVE! )are less prone
> to this kind of problem. If you want to go for a gamecard, buy the PDPI
> instead of ACM or CH PRODUCT GC3, The PDPI is a digital converter
> that helps reducing the CPU workload, that translate in a bit better
> FPS, and better ONLINE racing. Only thing to be concerned, if you've
> installed THRUSTMASTER PRO PANEL, it won't work at all. From what i've
> seen, it's actually a real pain to clean the registry (at least WIN95)
> to  get it going. I'm not talking from personal experience, but from
> acquaintance and what people sent me when they sent in the survey.

> Good luck

> Eric


> > Hello All R.A.S. Readers;
> > I need help!! on Gpl & my Thrustmaster Nascar Sprint. Below
> > when you read you will see my problem.. Any & all help, ideas
> > suggestions are welcome.

> > the help in my "inbox"... TIA Thom j. aka ^Fretts.
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > [** I want to preface that I have to use paddles on the race wheel
> > itself
> > for gas & brake because I can not use my feet-legs with floor pedals**]
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > ______________________________________________________
> > When I go into GPL with my TM Nascar Sprint {I have 3 now!} wheel
> > to calibrate {& it must be in generic} the rightside will not hold
> > .1000. It
> > will flicker from .1000 to the low .900s. Now I bought a new Compusa
> > "Formula" Race Wheel {that is almost exactly like the Sprint}but on this

> > wheel all the 'flickering' is on the leftside! This is great {for me}
> > for One
> > reason it is my brake side. The CompUSA wheel is one fantastic wheel
> > but Thrusmaster's Sprint is easier on my wrists, hands, fingers & tumbs!

> > Final Notes:  Do any think I need to go to a acm game card? I use SB
> > PCI64 sound's joyport for my games/sims. Also I just found in control
> > panel {under Game Controllers in the advanced tab} the box for "Poll
> > with interrupts enabled". It is Not checked. It also does the same thing

> > in F1RS with my 'TM' Sprint wheel & F1RS uses the drivers in Game
> > Controllers in Control Panel. I am lost & confused why this happens?
> > So Helpful Sim Friends:
> > Is there any ideas-suggestions besides rippin' the $70 Sprint apart to
> > switch wires Gpl Gurus~? Remember I must use paddles for my gas
> > & brake on the wheel because I can't use my feet/legs! Please help!!
> > ____________________________________________________
> > P.S. The 'CompUSA Formula Race Wheel' is still one great wheel &
> > I would recommend it to anyone. Especially folks who are in a similar
> > situation as myself. I would have never learned about this wheel if not
> > for John Bodin's post-review. Thanx again John ;0)

> >   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >                             Name: no_spam.n2rif1.vcf
> >    no_spam.n2rif1.vcf       Type: VCard (text/x-vcard)
> >                         Encoding: 7bit
> >                      Description: Card for ^Fretts

>     ---------------------------------------------------------------

>                                  Name: webmaster.vcf
>                Part 1.2          Type: text/x-vcard
>                              Encoding: 7bit
>                           Description: Card for Eric Cote

Ruud van Ga

HELP! GPL & Wheel Calibrate Problem

by Ruud van Ga » Fri, 23 Apr 1999 04:00:00

You can order it there as well, US$59.95

Ruud van Gaal
MarketGraph / MachTech:


HELP! GPL & Wheel Calibrate Problem

by ^Frett » Fri, 23 Apr 1999 04:00:00

Ruud; Thank you for the PDPI site!!! It appears might have
to go this route... Thom j. aka ^Fretts

> >Eric thank you for your inforamtive reply too. I am trying all options
> >& experimenting. I will post as soon as I find the solution. As in my
> >re: via email; Where can I find the PDPI game card? TIA..


> You can order it there as well, US$59.95

> Ruud van Gaal
> MarketGraph / MachTech:
> Art:

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