Well I'm staying with the MS stuff, basically because 1 set of software runs
both my wheel and joystick at the same time ;)
I find the wheel good, a bit notchy but I'm used to that now and the pedals
are brilliant with a squash ball under the brake !!!!
Only negatives are the wheel is not very well designed ergonomically (I'll
try and fit a Momo on it <G>) and because it has optical sensors in place of
pots the calibration can occasionally go out if the CPU load is high and
theres a lot of movement on the wheel.
It doesn't feel too good when using non FF games as I prefer the tension of
a spring / bungee, but with games with decent FF it is amazing. GPL, Viper,
N3 and NL all have good FF, MTM2 is quite good but the added effects are a
bit OTT
Ian Parker
UKGPL League
> > Well I'm running DX7 on win 98 with a MSFF Wheel and a USB Precision Pro
> > joystick with no problems in any game I use.
> > Games are GPL, SCGT, N3 and NL, GP500, Driver, Flight sim 98, Combat FS
> and
> > DTR demo.
> Same here. I've spent 4 weeks jumping from LWFF to MSFF wheels trying to
> choose one. Still have both and can assure that I cannot remember any
> problem about MSFF and DX7. Tried the same games + Viper Racing,
> FlightSim2000 ,TOCA 2 ,MGPRS2 ..,something other...