You have miss-understood what I meant by "new era of thinking."
I wasn't knocking Papyrus in any way. Especially, I was not referring to
anything related to their "support of the online racing community." They
have always supported online racing in a substantial way (in my opinion).
What I was referring to.....was "how" they've support online racing in the
past....and "what" they were willing to do. Except for the NROS events,
Papyrus has not been willing to act as an "online racing police
force"....and probably rightfully so. They have done lots of things to
support **policing** in online league racing ....with code in their
sims.....and code in their online server programming. But, they've
generally shied away from policing general pick up racing......leaving that
primarily to those individuals running dedicated race servers.......or to
the "its a jungle out there" mentality of some of us long-term online
drivers. They have also shied away from anything that involved some "risk
taking"...especially where licensing or legal issues could arise (again,
rightfully so).
This move to attempt to do something about the online wreckers.....has some
risk in it. First, there's risk that it will be **ineffective**....and
there's some legal risk with regard to their ability to block someone who
has legally purchased their "game" from online racing (in any capacity).
Apparently, someone at Papyrus "did their homework" and they have found
enough of a legal foundation in their EULA to at least...give this a trial.
I think most of the old-timers around here will agree that this represents
"new thinking" at Papyrus.....and that is what I was referring to in my
original post.
I do agree with you however, after re-reading my statement....I can see how
it looks like I might be making a facetious statement.....and that I was
actually knocking Papyrus. My apologies....I didn't intend it to read that
Tom Pabst