Pii-333mhz, 128mb Ram, 21" Viewsonic monitor
TM NPro Wheel/Pedals
Thriller 8mb PCI - V2200 Rendition
Creative Labs VooDoo2 12mb PCI - 3dfx
Installed the game with the Win95/3dfx install option.
Under 3dfx:
Game runs flawlessly.
All graphics "on" - fence set to "auto" to test framerate.
Min/Max FPS set at 30/30
39 opponents (all being drawn ahead) w/2 drawn behind w/3 heard
All tracks with me at rear of field give me 30fps constantly...no flutter.
Under Rendition:
Game again runs flawlessly.
Same graphics settings. The people in the stands are much more brighter with
Rendition but the less bright 3dfx stands looks better to me.
Summary: I am a diehard Rendition junkie and I have to admit that I like the
look of the 3dfx version better. I will continue to test them both and see if
that holds up.
Andrew B.
San Diego