When using multiplay in N2 it was easy enough to set up the
multi list to allow each player to drive the car of their choice.
No matter what we try in N1999 we always end up driving the
same car, albeit on one machine not both. Typically we set the
list up so our preferred car is at the top of the list on our PC.
When we copy our own .car files in and use them, we cannot
seem to get it squared away. Do we have to use the two players
cars as given to us with N1999? We've had it work for a minute
or so, but then one car disappears and reappears as a duplicate
of the other one.
On my nephews PC, he has two of his cars. I have two of mine
on my PC. I don't believe it happened when we used the "Player"
cars as provided within N1999 but I wasn't really paying attention
enough to be sure. I prefer not to re-paint the "Player" cars unless
absolutely necessary. The strange thing is that the connection screen
says "Howdy to so and so in the 17 car" (his), "You are Rich Koehler
in the 80 car" but that's not what we actually see on the screen.
Rich Koehler
All expressed opinions are mine and mine alone!