I am a complete motor racing freak, especially F1GP, Indycar and Nascar
motor racing simulators. I have battled to find a more realistic control
than the keyboard or joystick throughout the world, (+_ three years ago) and
could not suceed. I then decided to make my own and experimented with many
prototypes before perfecting it. Myself and my brother race, e.g. F1gp
against one another till the sweat starts pouring down, and we fight it out
neck on neck till the end. With the new controls it is frightning how
realistic it is. Everyone who tests it can not believe it and with so many
people so keen to race with it, you are only limited to two drivers. With
all the network games available, I can't believe that there is not enough
interest in the field to create one motor racing simulator with a network
option, i.e (more than 2 players), yet!! Just imagine fighting it out
amoungst 15 - 20 friends. Just imagine how realistic that would feel.
Is there anyone else that shares my views or maby knows something that I
Edward Smith
Smith's Auto Engineers