> I am getting into an open setup/variable weather league for the first
> time. COuld someone offer a quick and dirty explanation of the in game
> changes that can be made and what they do?
> Wedge
> Track Bar
> Tape
Assuming you're talking about ovals (this is simplified, ultimately you
should really learn what exactly each setting does).
Less wedge = looser car
More wedge = tighter car
More tape = higher water/oil temps, looser car, higher top speed
Less tape = lower water/oil temps, tighter car, lower top speed
More TB = looser car
Less TB = tighter car
Same TB, but more on the Right and less on the Left = tighter on entry,
looser on exit
On road courses you will typically want 0 wedge, minimum track bar, and
60% tape in a cup car (70% in PTA). At least until you get a feel for
how crossweight works. I usually run negative wedge at Watkins Glen to
help my exit speed from the esses since that's the fastest part of the
course and the lefthander can be tough to get right consistently. :)