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WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Larr+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Mon, 03 Feb 2003 15:55:07+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-I've been working for 4 hours on a dega setup. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I haven't been able to +ADw-br+AD4- create a decent SS setup since N4 came out. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I got worse with NR2002, and +ADw-br+AD4- now I REALLY suck or I'm truly mis-understanding something here :) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-I took the Jasper setup as a baseline. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-I've got the Track Bar cranked DOWN all the way to 8.50 on both sides. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I've +ADw-br+AD4- got the front/rear bias shoved all the way forward. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-I've got the front at 800/900 for the weight. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-The tape is at 70. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-And the damned thing is STILL loose through the center of the corner. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-To make matters worse, not only is it loose in the center, but it plows like +ADw-br+AD4- a bulldozer exiting the turns. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-So I have no rear end bite in the center, and no front end bite on exit. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Damn I'm confused+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-I have set the tires at 60 all around. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-That IS still the golden rule for SS +ADw-br+AD4- tracks, right? +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Did the new tire model do something to change that? +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-I noticed that the Jasper setup had the left sides down into the 30's. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I've +ADw-br+AD4- never, ever seent that in a SS setup before, anywhere. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Something else weird. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Unless something has changed, I'm still setting up +ADw-br+AD4- the tire temps using the old deg on the left edges rule-of-thumb. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I can +ADw-br+AD4- get that on the right side, but it's taking major amounts of camber to get +ADw-br+AD4- it. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Like 6.5 deg, almost max+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-On the left, I can't even come close. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I've got it maxed at positive 7 +ADw-br+AD4- degree's, and I can't get more than about or 3 on the left tire left +ADw-br+AD4- edge. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-So I've got a loosy pushy car, and even running things to the extreem I +ADw-br+AD4- can't seem to do anything about it. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-What I wouldn't give for an AI crew chief. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I HATE doing setups :) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Larry +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p2+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg1+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile2+ACIAPg- +ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Jay Taylo+ADw-/dt+AD4- +ADw-/dl+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content2+ACIAPg- +ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p2+ACIAPg-NR2003: Taladega Setups. WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Jay Taylo+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Mon, 03 Feb 2003 16:35:10+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-First of all the leaked demo's version of talladega is a good bit different +ADw-br+AD4- then the release version. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Secondly if you have all your tires set to 60 PSI your only getting a small +ADw-br+AD4- fraction of the tires grip ability. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-If you run with pressures closer to +ADw-br+AD4- which you see in the fast and Jasper setups you should notice the car +ACY-nbsp+ADs-has +ADw-br+AD4- much more grip. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-My best advice is to not waste much time trying to make that perfect dega +ADw-br+AD4- setup based off the demo. The game should be in the stores shortly. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Jay Taylor +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p3+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg2+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile3+ACIAPg- +ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Jan Verschuere+ADw-/dt+AD4- +ADw-/dl+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content3+ACIAPg- +ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p3+ACIAPg-NR2003: Taladega Setups. WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Jan Verschuere+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Mon, 03 Feb 2003 21:02:38+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4- Larry, don't waste your time trying to get this right. The release version +ADw-br+AD4- will be changed from the beta demo version to address this problem. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Jan. +ADw-br+AD4- +AD0---- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p4+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg1+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile4+ACIAPg- +ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Jason Moy+ADw-/dt+AD4- +ADw-/dl+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content4+ACIAPg- +ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p4+ACIAPg-NR2003: Taladega Setups. WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Jason Moy+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Tue, 04 Feb 2003 00:15:10+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg- +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-And the damned thing is STILL loose through the center of the corner. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs-To make matters worse, not only is it loose in the center, but it plows like +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-a bulldozer exiting the turns. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs-So I have no rear end bite in the center, and no front end bite on exit. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-Er. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I dunno, if you right click on stuff in the garage it should tell +ADw-br+AD4- you how to cure exit understeer and mid-corner oversteer. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I'm not +ADw-br+AD4- going to give advice tho. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Also, during races in the N2003 beta the car is going to push a lot +ADw-br+AD4- more than in the final product according to the Jasper engineer. +ADw-br+AD4- Apparently he feels the aero push affect is overdone at the +ADw-br+AD4- superspeedways in the beta build, which I agree with too. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-It's nice +ADw-br+AD4- that you have to wrestle with the car to keep it at the bottom when +ADw-br+AD4- you don't have any air on your front spoiler, but with 100+ACU- AI +ADw-br+AD4- strength you pretty much have to slide entering the turns to keep the +ADw-br+AD4- car in the groove. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Jason +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p5+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg2+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile5+ACIAPg- +ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Steve Blankenshi+ADw-/dt+AD4- +ADw-/dl+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content5+ACIAPg- +ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p5+ACIAPg-NR2003: Taladega Setups. WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Steve Blankenshi+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Tue, 04 Feb 2003 00:48:31+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-Glad to hear they're toning the aero push down+ADs- I was thinking that was +ADw-br+AD4- going to be in line for the +ACY-quot+ADs-most hated sim feature+ACY-quot+ADs- award of '03. :-) +ACY-nbsp+ADs-And +ADw-br+AD4- while I know the final release will differ from the demo, has anyone noticed +ADw-br+AD4- the need to run the RF practically straight up (or even w/positive camber) +ADw-br+AD4- at Michigan to get the temps in the 10 degree range? +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Seems rather +ADw-br+AD4- odd... +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-SB +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-And the damned thing is STILL loose through the center of the corner. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-To make matters worse, not only is it loose in the center, but it plows +ADw-br+AD4- like +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-a bulldozer exiting the turns. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-So I have no rear end bite in the center, and no front end bite on exit. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- Er. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I dunno, if you right click on stuff in the garage it should tell +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- you how to cure exit understeer and mid-corner oversteer. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I'm not +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- going to give advice tho. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- Also, during races in the N2003 beta the car is going to push a lot +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- more than in the final product according to the Jasper engineer. +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- Apparently he feels the aero push affect is overdone at the +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- superspeedways in the beta build, which I agree with too. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-It's nice +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- that you have to wrestle with the car to keep it at the bottom when +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- you don't have any air on your front spoiler, but with 100+ACU- AI +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- strength you pretty much have to slide entering the turns to keep the +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- car in the groove. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- Jason +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4APA-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p6+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg1+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile6+ACIAPg- +ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Jason Moy+ADw-/dt+AD4- +ADw-/dl+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content6+ACIAPg- +ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p6+ACIAPg-NR2003: Taladega Setups. WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Jason Moy+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Tue, 04 Feb 2003 01:57:12+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-On Sun, 2 Feb 2003 10:48:31 -0500, +ACY-quot+ADs-Steve Blankenship+ACY-quot+ADs- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg- +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-Glad to hear they're toning the aero push down+ADs- I was thinking that was +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-going to be in line for the +ACY-quot+ADs-most hated sim feature+ACY-quot+ADs- award of '03. :-) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-I believe he said it was being toned down at SS tracks, but not +ADw-br+AD4- anywhere else. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I actually like the way it feels at Michigan, makes it +ADw-br+AD4- much harder to tuck your nose under someone and get a good run out of +ADw-br+AD4- a turn. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Jason +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p7+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg2+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile7+ACIAPg- +ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Steve Blankenshi+ADw-/dt+AD4- +ADw-/dl+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content7+ACIAPg- +ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p7+ACIAPg-NR2003: Taladega Setups. WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Steve Blankenshi+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Tue, 04 Feb 2003 02:55:52+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-Yeah, Talladega was the only place it really seemed bothersome, as it was +ADw-br+AD4- hugely different running in clean air vs a draft. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Even if correct, I can +ADw-br+AD4- just imagine the online howls in all those SS races+ACE- +ADs--) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-SB +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPgAm-gt+ADs- On Sun, 2 Feb 2003 10:48:31 -0500, +ACY-quot+ADs-Steve Blankenship+ACY-quot+ADs- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-Glad to hear they're toning the aero push down+ADs- I was thinking that was +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-going to be in line for the +ACY-quot+ADs-most hated sim feature+ACY-quot+ADs- award of '03. :-) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- I believe he said it was being toned down at SS tracks, but not +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- anywhere else. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I actually like the way it feels at Michigan, makes it +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- much harder to tuck your nose under someone and get a good run out of +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- a turn. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- Jason +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4APA-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p8+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg1+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile8+ACIAPg- +ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Eric Busc+ADw-/dt+AD4- +ADw-/dl+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content8+ACIAPg- +ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p8+ACIAPg-NR2003: Taladega Setups. WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Eric Busc+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Tue, 04 Feb 2003 03:19:30+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-60PSI is way too high on the left side and a little high on the right +ADw-br+AD4- side as well. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I'd suggest you stick closer to the Goodyear recommended +ADw-br+AD4- pressures that are used in the fast and jasper setups for maximum grip. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-- Eric +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p9+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg2+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile9+ACIAPg- +ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Jason Moy+ADw-/dt+AD4- +ADw-/dl+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content9+ACIAPg- +ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p9+ACIAPg-NR2003: Taladega Setups. WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Jason Moy+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Tue, 04 Feb 2003 05:52:26+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-On Sun, 2 Feb 2003 12:55:52 -0500, +ACY-quot+ADs-Steve Blankenship+ACY-quot+ADs- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg- +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-Yeah, Talladega was the only place it really seemed bothersome, as it was +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-hugely different running in clean air vs a draft. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Even if correct, I can +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-just imagine the online howls in all those SS races+ACE- +ADs--) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-I guess they can play with the arcade physics then, huh? +AD0-) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-I hope the aero/push is still a significant factor at the SS's, enough +ADw-br+AD4- that you still have to really work to keep the car low all the way +ADw-br+AD4- around. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Jason +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p10+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg1+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile10+ACIAPg- +ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Larr+ADw-/dt+AD4- +ADw-/dl+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content10+ACIAPg- +ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p10+ACIAPg-NR2003: Taladega Setups. WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Larr+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 06 Feb 2003 05:23:06+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-I have never seen a good, fast Dega setup use anything but 60 all around. +ADw-br+AD4- Since N2 at least. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Anything less and you loose major top-end speed. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Maybe this has changed in 2003. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-That's what I'm trying to figure out. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Larry +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPgAm-gt+ADs- First of all the leaked demo's version of talladega is a good bit +ADw-br+AD4- different +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- then the release version. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- Secondly if you have all your tires set to 60 PSI your only getting a +ADw-br+AD4- small +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- fraction of the tires grip ability. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-If you run with pressures closer to +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- which you see in the fast and Jasper setups you should notice the car +ACY-nbsp+ADs-has +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- much more grip. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- My best advice is to not waste much time trying to make that perfect dega +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- setup based off the demo. The game should be in the stores shortly. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- Jay Taylor +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- I've been working for 4 hours on a dega setup. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I haven't been able to +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- create a decent SS setup since N4 came out. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I got worse with NR2002, +ADw-br+AD4- and +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- now I REALLY suck or I'm truly mis-understanding something here :) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- I took the Jasper setup as a baseline. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- I've got the Track Bar cranked DOWN all the way to 8.50 on both sides. +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- I've +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- got the front/rear bias shoved all the way forward. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- I've got the front at 800/900 for the weight. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- The tape is at 70. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- And the damned thing is STILL loose through the center of the corner. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- To make matters worse, not only is it loose in the center, but it plows +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- like +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- a bulldozer exiting the turns. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- So I have no rear end bite in the center, and no front end bite on exit. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- Damn I'm confused+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- I have set the tires at 60 all around. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-That IS still the golden rule +ADw-br+AD4- for +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- SS +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- tracks, right? +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Did the new tire model do something to change that? +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- I noticed that the Jasper setup had the left sides down into the 30's. +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- I've +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- never, ever seent that in a SS setup before, anywhere. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- Something else weird. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Unless something has changed, I'm still setting +ADw-br+AD4- up +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- the tire temps using the old deg on the left edges rule-of-thumb. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- can +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- get that on the right side, but it's taking major amounts of camber to +ADw-br+AD4- get +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- it. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Like 6.5 deg, almost max+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- On the left, I can't even come close. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I've got it maxed at positive 7 +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- degree's, and I can't get more than about or 3 on the left tire left +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- edge. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- So I've got a loosy pushy car, and even running things to the extreem I +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- can't seem to do anything about it. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- What I wouldn't give for an AI crew chief. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I HATE doing setups :) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- Larry +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4APA-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p11+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg2+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile11+ACIAPg- +ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Larr+ADw-/dt+AD4- +ADw-/dl+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content11+ACIAPg- +ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p11+ACIAPg-NR2003: Taladega Setups. WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Larr+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 06 Feb 2003 05:23:34+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-I feel better now :) +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I was really losing my mind+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Larry +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p12+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg1+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile12+ACIAPg- +ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Larr+ADw-/dt+AD4- +ADw-/dl+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content12+ACIAPg- +ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p12+ACIAPg-NR2003: Taladega Setups. WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Larr+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 06 Feb 2003 05:24:46+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-I know this. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-My point is that NOTHING is reacting the way it does under +ADw-br+AD4- NR2002 or N4. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-It's all screwed up it seems. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-A couple of gents here have verified that there are 'issues' with the Dega +ADw-br+AD4- in the demo so I'm going to stop fighting it now :) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Larry +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-And the damned thing is STILL loose through the center of the corner. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-To make matters worse, not only is it loose in the center, but it plows +ADw-br+AD4- like +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-a bulldozer exiting the turns. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-So I have no rear end bite in the center, and no front end bite on exit. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- Er. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I dunno, if you right click on stuff in the garage it should tell +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- you how to cure exit understeer and mid-corner oversteer. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I'm not +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- going to give advice tho. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- Also, during races in the N2003 beta the car is going to push a lot +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- more than in the final product according to the Jasper engineer. +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- Apparently he feels the aero push affect is overdone at the +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- superspeedways in the beta build, which I agree with too. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-It's nice +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- that you have to wrestle with the car to keep it at the bottom when +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- you don't have any air on your front spoiler, but with 100+ACU- AI +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- strength you pretty much have to slide entering the turns to keep the +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- car in the groove. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- Jason +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4APA-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p13+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg2+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile13+ACIAPg- +ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Larr+ADw-/dt+AD4- +ADw-/dl+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content13+ACIAPg- +ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p13+ACIAPg-NR2003: Taladega Setups. WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Larr+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 06 Feb 2003 05:26:47+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-Hehe. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-This is mainly how I've discovered you can actually rub fenders with +ADw-br+AD4- the AI in 2003 :) +ACY-nbsp+ADs-The Dega aero-push in the demo is SO bad, no matter how +ADw-br+AD4- you set up the car, that you end up shoving up two lanes every time. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Larry +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPgAm-gt+ADs- Yeah, Talladega was the only place it really seemed bothersome, as it was +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- hugely different running in clean air vs a draft. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Even if correct, I can +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- just imagine the online howls in all those SS races+ACE- +ADs--) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- SB +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- On Sun, 2 Feb 2003 10:48:31 -0500, +ACY-quot+ADs-Steve Blankenship+ACY-quot+ADs- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-Glad to hear they're toning the aero push down+ADs- I was thinking that was +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-going to be in line for the +ACY-quot+ADs-most hated sim feature+ACY-quot+ADs- award of '03. :-) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- I believe he said it was being toned down at SS tracks, but not +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- anywhere else. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I actually like the way it feels at Michigan, makes it +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- much harder to tuck your nose under someone and get a good run out of +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- a turn. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- Jason +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4APA-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p14+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg1+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile14+ACIAPg- +ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Larr+ADw-/dt+AD4- +ADw-/dl+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content14+ACIAPg- +ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p14+ACIAPg-NR2003: Taladega Setups. WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Larr+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 06 Feb 2003 05:28:10+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-Realistically, I don't think Areo push IS a problem in real life at Dega. +ADw-br+AD4- At least it don't seem so the way those guys have been running around the +ADw-br+AD4- track three and four wide the last couple of seasons. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-The aero-push in the demo is a +ACoAKgAq- though. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Larry +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPgAm-gt+ADs- On Sun, 2 Feb 2003 12:55:52 -0500, +ACY-quot+ADs-Steve Blankenship+ACY-quot+ADs- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-Yeah, Talladega was the only place it really seemed bothersome, as it was +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-hugely different running in clean air vs a draft. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Even if correct, I can +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-just imagine the online howls in all those SS races+ACE- +ADs--) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- I guess they can play with the arcade physics then, huh? +AD0-) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- I hope the aero/push is still a significant factor at the SS's, enough +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- that you still have to really work to keep the car low all the way +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- around. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- Jason +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4APA-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p15+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg2+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile15+ACIAPg- +ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Larr+ADw-/dt+AD4- +ADw-/dl+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg- +ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content15+ACIAPg- +ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p15+ACIAPg-NR2003: Taladega Setups. WTH+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4- +ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg- +ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Larr+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 06 Feb 2003 05:29:30+ADw-/p+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-Interesting. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I've always seen nothing but 60 all around at Dega, even in +ADw-br+AD4- downloaded setups. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-I'll give it a try. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Thanks+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-So, the 'fast' setup in the release will have the recommended Goodyear +ADw-br+AD4- pressures ? +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Larry +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPgAm-gt+ADs- 60PSI is way too high on the left side and a little high on the right +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- side as well. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I'd suggest you stick closer to the Goodyear recommended +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- pressures that are used in the fast and jasper setups for maximum grip. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- - Eric +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- I have set the tires at 60 all around. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-That IS still the golden rule +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- for SS +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- tracks, right? +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Did the new tire model do something to change that? +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- I noticed that the Jasper setup had the left sides down into the 30's. +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- I've +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- never, ever seent that in a SS setup before, anywhere. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4APA-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-hr /+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-action-bar bottom+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-pagination+ACIAPg- +ADw-ul+AD4- +ADw-li class+AD0AIg-pageleft+ACIAPg-Page:+ADw-/li+AD4APA-li+AD4APA-a href+AD0AIg-8+AF8-85413803bfd705cb+AF8-1.html+ACI- role+AD0AIg-button+ACIAPg-1+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/li+AD4- +ADw-li+AD4APA-a href+AD0AIg-8+AF8-85413803bfd705cb+AF8-2.html+ACI- role+AD0AIg-button+ACIAPg-2+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/li+AD4- +ADw-/ul+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-navbar+ACIAPg- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg- +ADw-br/+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-1. +ADw-a href+AD0AIg-8+AF8-8e1b2f2c9512d224+AF8-1.html+ACIAPg-NR2003 WTH?+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/p+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-2. +ADw-a href+AD0AIg-8+AF8-b0ce6b7160b1d13f+AF8-1.html+ACIAPg-Taladega Setups+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/p+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-3. +ADw-a href+AD0AIg-8+AF8-2983b8b6c3a3fbc5+AF8-1.html+ACIAPg-Taladega setup+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/p+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-4. +ADw-a href+AD0AIg-8+AF8-afc14153547ec053+AF8-1.html+ACIAPg-Need fast Taladega set-up+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/p+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-5. +ADw-a href+AD0AIg-8+AF8-dd4a2d6c0401bc8a+AF8-1.html+ACIAPg-Taladega Setup+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/p+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-6. +ADw-a href+AD0AIg-8+AF8-72786fa01f7bdc13+AF8-1.html+ACIAPg-Taladega Fixed Setup+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/p+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-7. +ADw-a href+AD0AIg-8+AF8-325d98c91c92da72+AF8-1.html+ACIAPg-NR2003 setups fast vs Jasper+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/p+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-8. +ADw-a href+AD0AIg-8+AF8-98019106e1b75601+AF8-1.html+ACIAPg-Using NR2003 Replay Analyzer to Tune Setups?+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/p+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-9. +ADw-a href+AD0AIg-8+AF8-ccc6e7466c1734e7+AF8-1.html+ACIAPg-Darlington Setup (NR2003)+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/p+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-spacedbox+ACIAPgA8-div class+AD0AIg-adbox+ACIAPg- +ADwAIQ--- Large Footer --+AD4- +ADw-ins class+AD0AIg-adsbygoogle+ACI- style+AD0AIg-display:block+ACI- data-ad-client+AD0AIg-ca-pub-4601021536021499+ACI- data-ad-slot+AD0AIg-8598264538+ACI- data-ad-format+AD0AIg-auto+ACI- data-full-width-responsive+AD0AIg-true+ACIAPgA8-/ins+AD4- +ADw-script type+AD0-'text/javascript'+AD4- (function() +AHs- var done +AD0- false+ADs- var script +AD0- document.createElement('script')+ADs- script.async +AD0- true+ADs- script.type +AD0- 'text/javascript'+ADs- script.src +AD0- '//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js'+ADs- var createScript +AD0- setTimeout( function()+AHs- document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD').item(0).appendChild(script)+ADs- +AH0-, 400 )+ADs- script.onreadystatechange +AD0- script.onload +AD0- function(e) +AHs- if (+ACE-done +ACYAJg- (+ACE-this.readyState +AHwAfA- this.readyState +AD0APQ- 'loaded' +AHwAfA- this.readyState +AD0APQ- 'complete')) +AHs- (adsbygoogle +AD0- window.adsbygoogle +AHwAfA- +AFsAXQ-).push(+AHsAfQ-)+ADs- +AH0- +AH0AOw- +AH0-)()+ADs- +ADw-/script+AD4- +ADw-/div+AD4APA-/div+AD4- +ADw-div style+AD0AIg-margin:0 auto+ADs-clear:both+ADs-max-width:990px+ADs-text-align:center+ADs-padding:20px+ADsAIgA+-rec.autos.simulators is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. 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