play Gp3.
Gp3 has many plus point that make it a great sim, but i feel happier playing
F1-2001 at the min....
I`ve started working on some new skins.... but preffer playing the game !
I also hired the PSX2 version out today....... talk about a different
game.... it`s a PSX 2 game !!
It`s much more dramatic... before you start a race the camra stop motions
towards where you are with a heart beat ! as the very good looking grid
girls stand about....
Also in training if you complete it or make a mistake.... the camra switchs
to the outside of the car.. you car stop`s dead and it does a Matrix style
camra spin......?
Also I hired The Italian Job on my PSX.. and on the intro it does the same
thing..... car jumps through bricks stops in mide air... camara moves around
I also don`t seem to have any rain....?
I`m using driver version 12.90........ and all i get is rain drops... the
track is the same........? and the sky is darker..
Does anybody have any screen grabs of the track being reflective........?