1. I have been on a business trip/family visit....to Los Angeles, CA since
Tuesday, Nov 6th (morning), I returned the evening of Nov 11th (Saturday).
On the trip home, I managed to acquire some form of food poisoning (not
anthrax) and have been recovering since. Because of the airport security
issues here in the US, I did not take my laptop with me on this trip which
meant I would not have access to this newsgroup or my email. Today is the
first day I've visited R.A.S. since the afternoon of Nov 5th. I thought
this might be useful information for a few of you who seem to think I would
be an active and vocal member of this sim community for nearly five
years......and a few "flames" would chase me away.
2. I'm calling this post an "OT" post because I'm not going to comment
about the pre-Nov 4th topics any further than I already have. I said, I was
kidding about the "fast guys (Aliens) cheating in GPL post".....those of you
who won't or can't accept that answer can FOAD. Thank you....the majority
of this sim community would appreciate you expediting that.
3. Who the fark is "Gavel".....??? I don't remember him from TEN but he
sure seems to remember me. I guess that just explains why I stopped sending
out those defective T-shirts with my autograph and picture on it.....near
the end of the TEN era! He must have gotten one of those (maybe he bought
the "two-pack" set???).... and has really been pissed off all this time for
spending $129.95 and didn't get my real autograph! There's a very good
reason I couldn't sign thousands and thousands of those "Pabst Photo"
t-shirts.....but that's just old news so I'll let it be in the past. To
Gavel: If you send me back the Pabst T-Shirt....I promise I will sign my
real signature on it and return it to you "postage pre-paid"..... Will that
make you happy? Will you stop being such an asshole if I do that? I hope?
I'm really sorry for stressing you out for all these years, dude! And by
the way, Greg.....what you might have thought were "lectures" by me about my
SCCA racing was probably something more along these lines: 4 years ago I
was probably the only active and vocal member of the online racing community
with extensive experience and background also in real-world racing. There
may have been a couple other guys who'd won two SCCA championships,
instructed in SCCA race licensing schools and so forth....but I didn't know
of any. Because of that, I was pretty much bombarded when ever I would race
on TEN using my own name. There were tons of people who wanted to know if
"sim racing was realistic"....questions about racing lines at tracks I had
raced on for real....and I can imagine that you can guess other questions?
After a few months of this, I realized I couldn't "race" on TEN under my
real name, so I created (and paid for) a second account which I used for
pickup racing and did most of my racing about 90% under that pseudo-name.
When I had time to talk about racing and chat with other sim drivers, I
would sign onto TEN with my real name....and was very glad to answer
questions, take new drivers into a track and help them with problems they
were having and so forth. If you popped into a TEN arena chat room and saw
me engaged in one of these "conversations," it might be easy for you to
think that's all I did...and that I was "lecturing" everyone in the room
about how much I knew about racing. Perhaps had you been in the chat arena
from the first question....you might have realized I was just engaging
others in answers for questions they had asked me. Since I haven't got a
clue who you are or remember ever talking with you about this issue, you
clearly never asked me why I was doing this "lecturing" as you called it.
Had you done that Greg, you would have heard from me the same thing I've
said countless times in the last 4 to 5 years: "My real racing background is
a handicap for me to become "fast" in sim racing. I will never be as fast
or as good of a sim driver as many who dedicate themselves to this e-sport
as a full-time hobby. My brain will always be confused to a certain extent
by the 15 years it spent racing in a real race car......by the sim car I now
drive." I believe this is a fact also explained by many other real-world
drivers who have taken up sim racing in the last four years. Today, I'm not
so unique in that regard.......you know?
I don't know what the fark your remark was about "saying goodbye and going
off to make sim racing better for everyone".....you pulled that out of your
arse for sure. I left TEN the same month you did....when it closed. If you
want to press the issue? Let's do this. Let's start a new string right
here on r.a.s. I'll put my record up for the last three years of what I've
done to "Bridge the gap between real-world racing and sim
racing".....against your record for what you've done ....and we'll see who
has contributed to this new e-sport....and who hasn't. Is that a deal? I
know what I've done in the last three years to help raise the level of
awareness about sim racing, its drivers and participants to people I know in
real-world racing!
What the fark have you done in that same time?
4. There's a "sub-post" under the string: "Re: GPL2 Confirmed" by "Ryan"
made on 11/13/01 at 11:12 pm:
Comment: You owe somebody $20 bucks, jack! I don't need it......maybe
you should send it to Gavel....he might? Better yet, send it Guy Wilson via
PayPal, so he can use it to fund the continuance of the VROC servers. I
expect you to post "proof" that you have done that on this newsgroup.
Thanks.....but you probably won't.
5. There's a string below starting on 11/12/01 at 3:16 am by Andre,
entitled: "Aliens VS Pabst" with 38 sub-posts under it. Not one of them
refers to me or anything about this "issue" between myself and the so-called
"aliens" of GPL (and N4). However, the entire string that I read (I stopped
reading after a dozen or so sub-posts...since it had nothing to do with me)
would have been better titled: "Aliens VS Fisher"......how the fark did my
name get sucked into this? And to David Fisher: I don't know why
everyone's pounding you dude, but your "slate" is clean with me since I
don't really know you. But, I would like to "thank you" for the things you
pointed out in the original post that started all this crap. At the time,
you were a "lone voice of reasonableness" and I appreciate you having the
guts to stand up and say what you did. That was cool.
6. To those of you organizing the "Pabst For President" write-in campaign:
I should tell you that I'm not officially a candidate for this position at
this time. However, I will tell that if for some reason I should be elected
to the presidency, one of my first acts as the new US President would be to
ask Congress to send $4.5 million funding to Papyrus....immediately.....with
the proviso that they create GPL-2, covering F1 cars and physics for years
1968 through 2001......with annual releases of at least 5 years each year
starting this coming Spring-2002. Also, Papyrus would be required to
release a beta version of a GPL -physics- CART sim....no later than June
2002...and allow all current VROC and GPL sim community members to
participate in the beta testing and development of this "add-on" sim for
GPL-2....which must be completed by Christmas-2002 (or they won't get
another $4.5 mil for 2003). Now, as I said, I'm not officially running for
this position....but I just thought it would be important to let you all
know what I would do if I was accidentally to be elected via this write-in
campaign that has seem to have been started while I was traveling in Los
Angeles last week.
7. To those of you who have organized the nightly VROC "Death To Pabst"
championship race series: I was going to send you a bill for the
unauthorized use of my now-infamous name to promote your new online racing
series (league). However, my attorney pointed out that with those races
being primarily driven by the GPL "hotlapping" aliens......nobody ever
completes more than two or three laps of the 20 lap event.....so it might
not be worth actually trying to extract any funds for this illegal use of my
name. Of course, I totally forgot about that....and I agreed with him
completely. So, you may continue using my name for your new GPL
league......you now have my permission to do that and continue your activity
(I wanted to called it "racing" but I have a hard time using that term with
hotlapping-crashing......what else could I call this??? "activity" seems
like the only word I could use at the moment).
8. To those of your who participated in the nightly "Pabst Bashing" on Nov
3rd thru Nov 6th on VROC.......even though you admitted to never having
actually read any of my posts on r.a.s. and you were just pissed at me
because of what a few of your fellow VROC'ers were posting in the VROC chat
room, about what "they said, I said"........I say this to you, now: "Shame
on you."
I should be 100% recovered from this food poisoning by tomorrow....and will
be "back" on r.a.s. regularly - soon thereafter. Sorry...I am aware that
may be "bad news" to some of you.
Tom Pabst
PS: To those of you who wrote email to BRD expressing a reasonable concern
about whether I should be representing their products in the USA, when I am
at the same time, one of the vocal participants within the online sim racing
community....and may at times in that role, be involved in some level of
controversy: May I say that your right to notify of BRD of this concern of
yours is not at issue. But, I would point out to you that BRD is not my
employer, they can not "fire me" as such, and they have been working with
Pabst-Racing for over three years now and they are fully aware of my status
within the sim racing community as a vocal participant in it....they always
have been. I'm sure BRD is fully capable of making the ongoing decisions
whether I and others who
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