On Sun, 16 Nov 1997 06:02:59 -0800, "PIRATE (131,33,17)"
> Well after playing ( or trying to play ) CPR demo I've deciced NOT to
>buy it and go with the rendition version of ICR2-CART instead.I don't
>have a rendition card yet. I know for sure that I want to pair a Monster
>3d card with which ever rendition card I get. Currently I am running a
>Matrox Mistake:-) 4mb. My system is P5 166mhz , 48 meg EDO ram , 512 L2
>cache , Sound blaster vibra16 , 1.6 gig hd , AI tech pro pc/tv plus pc
>to tv converter. I do all of my *** on my TV using the converter.The
>Matrox mistake has a utility that allows you to size the picture. This
>is a must for pc to tv viewing as I'm using the SVHS port on the tv .
>Without this utuility the picture is too large for the screen and
>wouldn't you know it...the TV can't be adjusted in SVHS mode. Also
>heard that the 1000 series verite chipset is more compatible with
>monster 3d card than the newer 2100(?) series.
> Which rendition card or cards has the screen sizing utility and will
>work best with the Monster 3d and will they work within the limits of my
>pc to tv converter which only works in 640 x 480 res.
>Sreamin' 3d ? Canopus ? Intergraph ? others ??? PLEASE HELP !!!!
>Steve at RXspeed7 racing
Sounds like you would be the perfect candidate for the Canopus
Pure3d/Total3d combo. I have the Intergraph Intense3d Rendition card
and am very pleased with the addition of the Canopus Pure3d/3dfx. The
Canopus Total3d is said to be slightly faster than the Intense3d. Upon
receiving my Pure3d, there was a promo offer included for the purchase
of a Total3d for $149.50 which includes the following:
-Complete intergration w/ Pure3d's TV-out.
-Rendition Verite 2d/3d accelerator
-Included LCD shutter glasses
-Spatializer 3D stereo post-processor
-5 accelerated games, including MDK: Mission Laguna Beach (works with
the glasses), Descent II: Destination Quartzon 3D (works w/glasses),
Whiplash (full version, works w/glasses), IndyCar Racing II (full),
Quake (shareware).
*Note the TV-out feature(s) when pairing with the Pure3d. I would
checkout www.pure3d.com and give them a call if your interested and
verify pricing for the pair or if the offer is still good after
purchasing just the Pure 3d initially. Note: The downside is the Pure
3d (Aprox. $180) is currently on high demand and may not be available
for immediate purchase.
Ron L.
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