I have a Cyrix P120 computer with 16 meg and would like to move up to
the rendition card. I have read various horror stories about ICR2
rendition ready with Cyrix processors. I presently am using a Diamond
Stealth 64 video card, and get pretty lousy frame rates with all or
most graphics on (15 or less fps with everything on, can't get much
higher than 20 with most everything off, but still testing for exact
Question, will the Intergraph card and ICR2 rendition ready version
improve my frame rates and graphics? If so, any estimates of
improvement? I know there is an ICR2 patch for non-pentium processors
on the Intergraph's web sight, and their technical support said this
patch would make everything run fine, but I'm not sure I believe them
since she was hesitant on the phone.
I really would like a Rendition card, the screen shots are to die for,
but I want to avoid buying a Pentium processor.