>> One nit I have with GPL, which otherwise consumes my life, is the lack
>> of anti-aliasing support. It simply isn't the case that Voodoo cards
>> can't do it: witness Tomb Raider II and DiD's F-22 ADF, both of which
>> support it and especially in the case of F-22, make it look great!
>> F-15 by Janes also supports it, but not on the planes (which always
>> seemed stupid, but there you go).
>> Rather than say they support anti-aliasing if the hardware supports it,
>> why not just say "we only got around to it on the Rendition cards..."
>> Here's hoping they'll eventually add it, but not holding my breath.
>Doubt it will be fixed, witness Nascar 2. Papy and Rendition have been
>in bed together on this for a long time.
Papyrus is not too far off when they say 3dfx can't do antialiasing. It can do
it, but your framerate will practically half (if not even more). Unlike
Rendition cards, 3dfx cards do not have a secondary video buffer (this is
where the the programmers would do the antialiasing). What you have to do with
the 3dfx in order to antialias is display your image (with no antialising),
then read it back to RAM, do the antialiasing, and then display it again on
the 3dfx card. As you can see, you could have displayed another frame in
between if you were not doing antialiasing.
All in all, more corect way of saying it is "that anialiasing is not feasable
on 3dfx). Damn shame, if you ask me.
David Mocnay
ps. TR 2 does not have antiasing. Maybe you mean 'bilinear filtering".
Antialising concorns blending of the edges, while "bilinear filtering" has to
do with blending of the inside of the polygon.